Bonus Chapter ~ The Life Of Austin Jauregui

Start from the beginning

"Can I join in?"

"No." They said in unison then started to laugh.

"Aw." She pouted. "Why?"

"Cause there's only two players." Mitchell giggled.

"And you are a cheater." Greyson grinned, sticking his tongue out to Dada. She, on the other hand, began to groan and shift her attention to me. Oh boy....

"What are you doing?" She asks me.

"Reading a book."

"What kind of book?"

"The one that Mama gave to me earlier." I answered, simply.

"Is it good?"

"I dunno. I'm still on the second page."

After a long silence, Dada sat next to me and peeked over my book. "Can I read with you?" She whispered.

I groaned. "Dada.."

"I'm taking that as a No." She chuckled as she began to ruffle my hair. "What's with you kids, nowadays? You don't want me to hang out with you?"

"Nope." Greyson answered.

"Nu-uh." Mitchell giggled.

"No." I simply, said.

"What's going on here, huh?" With that voice, our ears perked up and stared at Mama descending into the stairs. And with that, everyone went crazy.

"Mama, let's play Pacman." Mitchell cheered.

"Yeah Mama. Let's play." Greyson laughed with excitement.

"Let's read this together, Mama. It's really good." I added, beaming at her. Dada stare at us in disbelief then began to point a finger at us, jokingly.

"That's not fair!" She exclaimed.

"We want Mama." We all answered in unison. That made her crack up making the living room fill with her joyous laughter.

"I understand them. They miss you, Camz." Dada shrugged. "I mean, you rarely hang out with them anymore. The last time was last last Sunday."

"Sorry..." Mama sighed. "I was busy with work and all since the case is getting harder and harder. Anyway, Troy texted me that they'll be here early so I guess I'll help you prepare food for the night."

"Mama~" We all whined. It was true though. We really missed playing with Mama.

Dada stuck out tongue at us then raised her both of her hands in victory. "Boo YAh!! She's mine for the taking!"

Mama gently flicked her on the forehead then giggled. "After I'm done preparing, I'm all yours." She smiled. "So... be good and stay put, okay?"

"Okay." We said in unison. I really don't know how we do the unison thingy. Like seriously, Sometimes it creeps us out blurting same things together... I mean... how do we do that? Is our minds connected or something?

And with that, we continued our work.


"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Greyson shouted across the hallway. Just hearing that, I jumped out of the couch, grab Mitchell by the hand and ran towards the kitchen.  We all know what’s happening if Greyson started to panic like a mad cow.

It means that the Hansen-Hamilton Family just stepped a foot inside our teritory. And by Hansen-Hamilton Family, I mean Aunt Mani and Aunt Dinah.

"What's going on?" Mama asked as we all hid behind her. "I told you kids to stay put, didn't I? "

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