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The day after the Styles-Tomlinson family moved into their new house, they decorated it for Christmas. They got and decorated a big tree, and they hang 5 stocking over their beautiful fireplace, one for each member of the family, which Louis had ordered a few weeks ago, so they each had their initial embroidered on it.

Then on Tuesday Louis' birthday arrived, and it was a big one, because he turned 30! And although it was an important birthday, Louis didn't want to do anything major, especially considering the babies were so little, so they just had a family celebration at home, but it was still very special.

What was also very special was Christmas the following day, and not only because it was the twins first Christmas, but also because it was the first time that they hosted the Christmas family get together. Not that Anne had given up easily on their tradition of having Christmas at her house, but she ended up agreeing when she was told that she was still allowed to cook the food.

And so Harry's parents arrived early to start the cooking, and shortly Louis' parents arrived, and while Anne, Jay and Harry cooked, Louis set the table with Tori, and Des and Mark were left in charge of the twins.

Louis and Tori were just finishing with the table when the doorbell rang, and Louis went to get it, knowing it had to be Gemma and Niall, who had spent the morning at Niall's parents house.

"Merry Christmas" Louis said when he opened the door.

"Merry Christmas, Lou" Gemma grinned and gave Louis a one arm hug, as she was holding Claire with the other one.

"Look how pretty my baby Claire looks" Louis cooed at his niece, who was wearing tiny red coat, and he offered his arms "Come with uncle Lou".

Gemma gave him the baby, and Louis kissed her cheek, as Niall walked inside the house behind them, and he was carrying a bunch of presents.

"Hey, Niall" Louis smiled, as he closed the door of the house "You can leave those under the tree".

"Thanks, mate" Niall replied, and went straight to it.

"Are you already used to your new house?" Gemma asked as she took off her coat and her beanie.

"Not yet, no" Louis said as he looked around the house "I don't think I'll ever get used to it".

"I wouldn't either, it's a pretty amazing house, I can't believe my brother did this" Gemma commented, and took off Claire's beanie and little coat while Louis held her.

"Maybe you'll come visit us more often now that we live here" Louis told her, because they didn't see each other as much as he would like "We even have a guest room".

"We will, I promise" Gemma told her "I want Claire to spend more time with her cousins".

"I want that too" Louis smiled, and looked at the baby in his arms.

Claire looked a lot like Gemma, but she had very bright blue eyes, which she had definitely gotten from her dad, and she was just looking around the room, as if she was deciding if she liked the house.

"Let's go say hi to your cousins" Louis told the little girl.

So he took her over to where the twins were with their grandparents, and shortly afterwards, the food was ready, and everyone sat down to eat.

"Everything's delicious" Louis said as he got more food on his plate.

"Thank you, honey" Anne smiled.

"You should leave space for the dessert, babe" Harry smiled at him, he was holding Jamie while he ate, because he had was being whiny about being left on his bouncer "I made it".

One Day  ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon