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The decision of the judge during the hearing had devastated both Louis and Harry, because they had had a lot of faith in their motion.

But once outside the courtroom, Rachel assured them that this didn't meant that they were losing, just that they needed to go to trail, and they agreed to meet in a few days to decide their strategy.

"I hate this" Louis told his husband once they said goodbye to their lawyer, and left the courthouse "And I hate Connor, did you see him there? Looking all full of shit? And his lawyer denying everything that was true? We didn't say one lie in there".

"Yeah..." Harry sighed.

"I really thought we were going to win the motion, specially when the judge asked me all those questions" Louis explained.

"I thought that too" Harry admitted.

"I don't know how we're going to tell Tori" Louis declared.

"He should tell her today" Harry told him "When I get home from work".

Harry had taken a few hours from work to be able to go to court, but now he had to go to work, and Louis needed to go home to take care of the twins.

"She's not going to take it well" Louis said knowingly.

"I know, but we have to be there for her and assure her that everything will be okay" Harry told him.

"Will it be okay?" Louis asked unsure.

"I hope so" Harry said, looking as defeated as Louis felt.

They kissed and said goodbye after that, and Harry went to work while Louis headed home, where his mum was taking care of the twins.

Once he got there, Jay immediately knew the hearing hadn't gone how they expected just by looking at his face, and after Louis confirmed her suspicion, he gave her a summary of how things had happened.

And yes, she agreed with Louis about how unfair it had been, and how the motion should've gone their way, but she tried to comfort him by telling him things weren't lost just yet.

Jay stay with him until right before Tori came home from school, because they didn't want to make her suspicions that something was going on with her nan being there, specially because he had to wait for Harry to get home to tell her what was happening.

When Tori finally came home, she wasn't alone, as Lizzie came inside the house behind her, and they declared they had to plan Lizzie's 15th birthday, which was coming up.

"Are you planing a party?" Louis asked them as he made them a snack.

"She doesn't know yet" Tori shrugged "Right, Lizzie?".

But Lizzie seemed too busy with Jamie, who she had asked to hold the second she saw he was awake and smiling (Evie was asleep in her bouncer).

"He's so cute" Lizzie cooed as she looked at the baby boy in her arms "I want to steal him and take him to my house".

"Go ahead, we need a break, but fair warning, he cries and poops a lot" Tori told her.

"Tori!" Louis scolded.

"It's a joke, mum" Tori laughed, and he smiled at the baby, and stroked his cheek  "I wouldn't give him away".

And that was all the attention Jamie needed from his sister to reach for her.

"You want me and not Lizzie?" Tori smiled at the baby.

"No! You get to hold him all the time" Lizzie pouted.

One Day  ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 2Where stories live. Discover now