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At 31 weeks pregnant Louis went into maternity leave, and he had been at it for 2 weeks now, meaning he was 33 weeks along now.

He hadn't wanted to do that at that point, he felt bad for basically bailing at work, but his doctor told him that he couldn't continue working, as he needed to start resting more if he wanted to avoid going into early labor, which happened a lot with twins.

So now he was at home every day.

All day.

And it wasn't difficult to keep himself busy, there was always house work to do, and when he wasn't doing that, he was just catching up on some reading or even watching Netflix.

The part that he didn't like, was that he was alone all day, as Tori was already back at school, and Harry obviously worked all day.

He did have Sprinkles company, and often Louis found himself talking to the cat. And also his mum and his mother in law came some days to keep him company, but mostly to help out, knowing that his mobility was pretty reduced these days.

That day, Louis had spent almost the entire morning in bed sleeping, as he had had a bad night, because the babies had kicked none stop, so he had barely slept.

But around noon he decided to get up and take a much needed shower. Then he got dressed in his favorite maternity joggers (yes, that was a thing, and he had been living in those for the past weeks) and a T-shirt big enough to cover the entire bump.

When he was done, it was almost 1, so he went the kitchen to make himself some lunch, and he was looking inside the fridge trying to decide what to make when the doorbell rang.

Si he went to get it, and when he opened the door, he saw it was his mother in law.

"Hey" Louis grinned, being happy to see her.

"Hi, honey" Anne said and gave him a hug "I'm not bothering you, right?".

"Of course not, come in" Louis ushered her inside.

"Thank you" Anne said as she walked inside the house "Did you have lunch already? Because I brought you some things, I thought we could have lunch together".

"I was just trying to decide what to cook, so you're just in time" Louis told her.

"Why don't you sit down, and I'll get the food ready".

"I can help, though".

"I know, but I've got it, you should rest, we don't want those babies to come out yet" Anne told him.

"You know, I'm not on bed rest, I just have to take it easy" Louis said, but still went to sit down at the table.

Standing up was horrible for his back, his belly was too heavy.

"I know, love" Anne said as she put the paper bag she was carrying on the kitchen counter "And how have you been feeling?".

"Alright for the most part" Louis replied, not wanting to complain.

"Harry told me the appointment you had yesterday went well, but he didn't give me any details" Anne commented.

"It did go well, they're both doing well, baby girl is still a bit smaller, but within normal ranges, and she finally turned, which we didn't know if she would" Louis explained.

"Does that mean you'll be able to have a natural birth?" Anne wondered.

"That's a big maybe according to my doctor" Louis explained "She said that because I had a c-section before, and because it's twins the normal route would be for me to have a c-section again, but she said that if when I go into labor both babies are in a good position for an natural birth, I can give it a try if that's what I want".

One Day  ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 2Where stories live. Discover now