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Eva and James had been home for 2 weeks now, 2 wonderful and exhausting weeks.

Because, yes, they were adorable and they loved them so much, but thanks to them, Harry and Louis had barely slept.

Even Tori had been a victim of the twins cries at night, so now the girl was sleeping with ear plugs every night.

And because the twins needed so much attention, they had neglected the house a lot, starting with their own room, which was a mess of their clothes, the twins clothes, other baby stuff, laundry that hadn't been washed, laundry that hadn't been put away... you name it.

But despite the neglect of the house, Louis had been trying his best not to neglect Tori, as he didn't want her to feel replaced by the twins, so every morning, he made sure to make breakfast for her, and prepare her lunch to take to school (he used to leave that ready the night before, but it didn't matter when he did it if he had it done by the time Tori left).

And he was making breakfast for Tori, when she came to the kitchen, being already dressed for school, her golden hair up in a high ponytail, which always made her beautiful cheekbones stand out.

"Hey, mum" Tori told her.

"Good morning, muffin, I have your lunch ready, and breakfast will be done in a minute" Louis said while he finished with the scrambled eggs.

"Okay, thanks" Tori replied, and opened the fridge to take out milk "Where's dad".

"Sleeping" Louis answered and he put bread in the toaster "And for some miracle so are both babies".

"You should be sleeping too, mum, you look exhausted" Tori pointed out "And I can make my own breakfast".

"I'm fine, baby, and I like to make breakfast for you" Louis told her "Now sit down, please".

Tori grabbed her milk glass, and sat down at the table, and a minute later Louis put a plate of eggs and toast in front of her, and then he served himself the same thing, and sat down with her.

"Did you sleep okay, love?" Louis asked, knowing the twins had cried a lot during the night, and might have woken Tori up, even though she was in another room.

"Yeah" Tori answered "I put on the earplugs though".

"I'm sorry you have to do that" Louis said apologetically.

"It's fine, mum" Tori said dismissively and took a bite from her toast.

Louis was going to tell her that hopefully in the new house she wouldn't have to do that, because they rooms would be a lot further away, but that was when he heard a cry.

And he was sure it was Jamie.

Louis sighed, because he really wanted to have this short time with Tori.

"Mum, go" Tori told him.

"No, dad can handle it" Louis decided "This is my Tori time".

"Okay" Tori smiled.

But then there was another cry, and not even a minute went by, and Harry showed up holding one crying baby in each arm.

One Day  ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat