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Louis was having a rough day.

He'd been really nauseous since he woke up that morning, and now, as he headed home from work, he was having cramps. He knew that that was normal, it meant that the uterus was expanding, and that was a good thing, because the baby needed space to grow, but it wasn't a great feeling.

So when he got home, instead of doing all of the house work he usually did when he got home, he laid down on his bed with a blanket, and he grabbed a book.

It wasn't long until Tori came home, and she went over to his room to say hi.

"Hi, baby girl" Louis smiled at her.

"Hey" Tori said as she came in, and sat at the foot of the bed "Why are you in bed? Are you sick?".

"I'm not in bed, I'm just laying on it, but not because I'm sick, I'm just tired, I had a lot of work today" Louis explained, which was sort of true "How was school today?".

"It was okay" Tori replied as she kicked off her shoes and laid on Harry's side of the bed on top of the covers, and stretched a little before she spoke again "Mummy?".

"Yes?" Louis asked, knowing Tori was only calling him mummy because she wanted something.

"Can we go shopping to London tomorrow or Sunday?" Tori requested.

"Do you need something, or do you just want new stuff?" Louis questioned.

Tori wore a uniform to school, as did most kids in the UK, and right before classes started again at the beginning of September, they had bought her a lot of new things for school.

But Louis knew she wasn't asking for school clothes, at all.

"I need new boots" Tori declared "And I also need a new winter jacket, and maybe a few jumpers... and jeans".

"So a whole new wardrobe?" Louis raised an eyebrow.

"Not a whole new wardrobe" Tori denied "But most of my winter stuff are to small for me now, so I can't wear them anymore".

"I don't know if I believe that" Louis considered.

"I'm not lying, mum" Tori insisted.

And before Louis could answer, Tori got up form them bed, walked away from the room, and then came back with her holding what seemed to be her entire closet, and she tossed it on the bed.

"What's that?" Louis asked as he sat up on the bed.

"Everything that's too small, and I'm going to prove it" Tori said determinately.

And so she started trying on jeans, jumpers and jackets, and showed Louis how the jeans were too short, or tight, or both, the sleeves on the jumpers were too short, and how a jacket only zipped halfway up her body.

"So in conclusion, I need new stuff" Tori declared as she took off a too short jumper.

"Alright, we'll go shopping for new clothes on Sunday" Louis agreed.

"But I want to go to London to get them" Tori stated "Please, mummy?".

"Okay, we can go to London" Louis agreed again, because it was no trouble to go to the city.

"And can Gemma come with us too?" Tori begged.

Tori had never called Gemma 'aunt Gemma', although technically that was what she was to her, and that was because Gemma always said that being called 'aunt' made her feel old, so she rather just be Gemma to Tori.

And to be honest, Gemma didn't act with Tori like an aunt, she was more like a cool older sister, and so Tori looked up to her, and also trusted her a lot. And although Louis had never felt like less of a mum to his daughter because he was a man and not a woman, and he was able to talk to Tori about everything, he liked that Gemma was a feminine presence in Tori's life.

One Day  ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 2Where stories live. Discover now