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Although Louis was incredibly excited to be pregnant again, he was scared all the time.

It had only been a week since Louis' positive pregnancy test, but every time he felt the tiniest cramp, which rationally he new was normal in the begging, he freaked out. Also, he kept checking to see if he was bleeding, which he knew was crazy, but he couldn't help himself.

Right now they were in the waiting room of Dr. Moore's office, for their first check up, and to say Louis was nervous, would have been an understatement.

"Baby, calm down" Harry said putting his hand on his thigh".

"Sorry" Louis apologized "I'm just anxious".

"I know you are" Harry said sweetly "But there's no need to be".

"Yeah..." Louis sighed.

Then Louis was called in, and as soon as Dr. Moore saw them, she expressed how happy she was that they had decided to try again, and how excited she was for their baby.

And after Louis explained everything, specially about how much worse the nausea was this time, how he had been throwing up almost every day, and also how nervous he was, she checked his blood work, and assured him that there was nothing to worry about, that everything was okay right now.

"But everything was okay at this stage the last time" Louis considered.

"I know" Dr. Moore nodded "But we have to take this one day at a time, and if that means that we have to schedule more regular appointments, we'll do that".

"Okay" Louis nodded, feeling that would help a lot.

"Now why don't you go to the exam table so I can do an ultrasound?" Dr. Moore told him.

Louis nodded, and went up to the exam table, and got ready to have an internal ultrasound, which was what the doctor had said she's do.

And it happened just like last time.

First they saw a black blob was on the screen, that was the amniotic sac, and then the doctor pointed at the embryo inside of that sac.

"I'd say you're 6 weeks already" Dr. Moore told him.

"Yeah?" Louis said as he looked at the screen while he smiled.

"I'll calculate your exact due date when we're done with this, but it will be sometime in November" Dr. Moore explained.

"Okay" Louis said as he took a deep breath, and then looked at his husband.

Harry had been looking at the screen, but when Louis squeezed his hand, he looked at him with a smile, and kissed his forehead.

"I love you" Harry whispered.

"I love you too" Louis whispered back.

"Oh, this is a little surprise" Dr. Moore suddenly said.

"What?" Louis asked feeling nervous.

And that was when he looked at the screen, and he had enough medical experience to know what he was seeing.

Which was a second amniotic sac, with another little embryo inside of it.

"Oh my god" Louis said shocked.

"What happened?" Harry asked sounding lost.

"It seems like you're having twins" Dr. Moore announced.

"You're joking" Harry said happily.

"Not at all" Dr. Moore smiled "There are two amniotic sacs, and two embryos, and they both look more or less the same size, and are equally developed, which for now is great news".

One Day  ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 2Where stories live. Discover now