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Ever since he was little Louis always hated that his birthday was on Christmas Eve, because he never got to celebrate it properly, as it always ended up getting mixed up with Christmas.

And knowing that, Harry always tried to make Louis' birthday as special as possible, and Louis loved him so much for that.

And so that year, Harry decided to take him and Tori to have lunch to a very, very posh restaurant in London, which was a bit hectic considering London was full of people doing last minute Christmas shopping, but it was still very special, and Louis found himself smiling all day, which he hadn't been doing much during the last couple of months.

Then that evening they went to have dinner at Louis' parents house, because they too wanted to celebrate his birthday, as he was their only child.

And Louis appreciated it, because his mum cooked his favorite meal, and also baked his favorite cake.

"One more year until the big 30" Mark said after Louis blew the candles of the cake his mum made for him.

"Don't remind me" Louis groaned "It makes me feel so old".

"How do you think it makes me feel? I'll have a 30 year old son" Mark pointed out.

"Good point" Louis chuckled.

"Does everyone want cake?" Jay wondered.

"Yes!" Tori smiled.

"I want a very small slice, I've eaten too much today" Louis sighed.

"It's the holidays, love, everyone eats too much" Jay brushed off as she sliced the cake, and gave Louis a huge piece.

Louis ended up eating it all anyway, but by the time they got home, he felt like he was going to explode, and he even had trouble falling asleep, which he knew was something that happened when people got older, and he felt horrible about it.

The next morning, they had Christmas morning just between the three of them in their little house, and exchanged presents.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you" Tori smiled happily as she opened the box where her August Bell ticket was.

They had also added an August Bell T-shirt, and a special edition of his latest album, which according to Harry, Tori really wanted.

"And here's your present" Louis laughed as he gave Harry an envelope.

"Thank you" Harry took it, opened it, and fake gasped "An August Bell ticket! How did you know?".

"You're not funny, dad" Tori rolled her eyed as she examined her brand new album.

"I think I am" Harry smiled

Louis shook his head, and then gave Harry a box, which was his real present.

"Merry Christmas" Louis told him.

"Thank you, baby" Harry smiled, and pecked his lips.

Harry opened it, and this time he legitimately gasped when he saw a very nice (and expensive) set of drawing pencils that Louis knew he wanted.

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