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"Is this a joke?" Louis asked shocked.

"No" Gemma denied, and bit her lip.

"Who's even the father?" Louis asked "I thought you weren't dating anyone".

"I lied to you, I've been seeing someone for a few months, and he's the father" Gemma answered.

"Wow" Louis said trying to recover from the shock, but then thought of something "So are you keeping the baby?".

"Of course" Gemma replied "I didn't plan this, and it's not ideal because the father and I have only been dating for 5 months, so I don't know if it will last, but I want my baby, I already love her, the thought of an abortion never even crossed my mind... not after last time".

"So you're happy?".

"Yeah" Gemma smiled.

"Aww" Louis cooed, and gave her a hug, became he knew what she had been through before, and he was genuinely happy for her "Congratulations, Gem, you're going to be the best mum".

"Thank you" Gemma said happily.

"You just said her, do you think it's a girl?" Louis wondered.

"I already know it's a girl, the doctor confirmed it this past week" Gemma explained.

"How far along are you?" Louis frowned.

"17 weeks?".

"17 weeks!" Louis exclaimed, wide eyed.

"Shh" Gemma shushed him "No one in this house knows".

"Gemma, how can you be 4 months pregnant and not have told anyone?" Louis whispered.

"I don't know, it all happened so fast, and then I kept putting it off, and I knew I was going to see everyone for the holidays, and I decided I might as well tell you all at once" Gemma explained "But now I'm scared to tell my parents, that's why I told you, so you can have my back when I do it".

"I'll always have your back, but I don't get why you're scared to tell your parents, you're 28, you have a career, a nice place to live, it's not like you depend on them financially" Louis considered.

"I know, but I want them to be happy for me" Gemma told him.

"Why wouldn't they be happy for you?".

"If Tori came to you at my age, and told you she was 4 months pregnant, and that she has only been with the baby's father for 5 months, would you be supportive?" Gemma wanted to know.

"If I saw she was happy, yes, I would be supportive and happy for her" Louis said with conviction "And I really think your parents will be supportive and happy too; they'll love to have a grandbaby".

"They want one from you and Harry, not from me" Gemma pointed out.

"I don't think it matters, Gem" Louis replied, not wanting to go to that conversation right now.

"Yeah..." Gemma sighed, and she put her hand on her stomach.

"Are you showing already?" Louis asked, trying to figure it out, but Gemma was wearing a long and baggy jumper that made it difficult to tell.

"A lot" Gemma scoffed, and lifted her jumper.

She was wearing maternity pants, and her pregnant belly was quite noticeable, Louis had no idea how he had not seen it before.

"Aww, that's such a cute belly" Louis said happily.

"It's so weird knowing there's a tiny human in there, I even feel her move now" Gemma said looking down at her little bump "What's even weirder is how much I love her already".

One Day  ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 2Where stories live. Discover now