Start from the beginning

Malora swallowed as she crossed to the fridge. She grabbed a carton of orange juice and poured herself a cup, all the while watching her sister who didn't turn away from whatever held her attention out in the street.

'Rena,' was all she could utter.

Lorena sighed. 'I know when you're lying to me, Mal. Just as I also know that no matter how hard I press you, you wouldn't tell me unless you wanted to.'

Malora remained quiet because she knew her sister spike the truth. She gulped down her juice instead.

'But promise me you'll be careful and don't do anything rash on my or Louis' behalf.'

She couldn't promise that because she already did something rash, so Malora hummed instead. 'What has you so fascinated?'

'A sleek car pulled up to the curb five minutes ago and doesn't seem ready to leave any minute.'

Oh. Mr. Valentine had arrived!

'I have to go, Rena. Take care of yourself and Louis, okay?'

Malora waited until she got a nod from her sister before rushing out the door. The driver was standing outside the car by the time she got to it. He touched his cap. 'Miss Malora McCarran?'

She nodded breathlessly.

'Good morning. Henry Valentine,' he said, by way of introduction and opened the back door for her.

Malora sank into the fragrant, immaculately white interior and he shut the door after her. Along the building she saw the heads of all her neighbors poking out of their windows. Of course, they would. The McCarran sisters had never had someone pick them up in a freaking Maybach Laundalet.

Malora leaned back. The leather under her palm was soft and cool. Henry got into the front and looked at her in the rearview mirror. He had soft brown eyes that crinkled in the corners. He took a white envelope from the passenger seat and twisted around to hand it to her. 'Our first stop is the doctor. This is for him.'

'Thanks,' Malora said, taking the letter. It had her doctor's name written in blue ink and was unsealed. The glass that separated them closed and the engine hummed into life.

Malora opened the letter and read it. It was a request for her medical records. In the doctor's surgery she passed over the envelope and was ushered into a room with the nurse who asked and performed the necessary blood tests with brisk efficiency. Afterwards, she discussed several options and recommended Microgynon.

'Take it from today. Since your last period ended three days ago you should be protected immediately, but just to be safe use a condom for the next seven days,' she advised. Twenty minutes after she entered that small blue and white room Malora had a prescription for three months' supply of contraceptive pills.

The receptionist had an envelope for her. It is addressed to Mr. Frederick Marshall. This letter was sealed.

Malora thanked her and went outside. Henry jumped out of the car and opened the door for her before going around the back of the car and getting into the driver's seat.

'If you give me the prescription, I'll pick it up for you while you are at the solicitors.'

For some strange reason Malora felt the heat rush up her throat.

'I have daughters your age,' he said kindly, and she leaned forward and handed him the prescription. 'Thanks, Mr. Valentine.'

'No worries. And call me Henry.'

'Er. . .How long have you been working for Mr. Pitts?'

'Going on eight years now.'

'Is he. . .Is he a fair man?'

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