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Malora wasn't really aware of being awake or not awake but she guessed she must have been not-awake, because she was woken up by Titan whispering to her: 'I'm sorry, Malora, but we'll be landing soon.'

She whimpered. 'Do we have to? Can't we live here forever?'

'On the plane?'

'Yes.' She curled into him stubbornly.

'Don't you want to see my Island?'

Okay, that definitely had her sitting up. What did he mean by his island?

'Where exactly are we going to, Master T?' She rubbed her bleary eyed with the back of her palm, a yawn escaping her lips.

'You'd only find out if you get off the plane,' his tone was teasing.

Malora almost rolled her eyes, but she remembered the punishment she was yet to receive and refrained from it.

Besides, she liked this new side of Titan. It would seem that she liked this new side of him. It was as if leaving London made him an entirely new person. Which was strange, because, then, it would mean he was hiding from something. . .or someone.

As she dressed, all she could think of was why he was taking her to his Island when he pretty much had access to her in London.


'There she is,' Titan said. 'All nine and a half acres of her.'

Malora looked out of the window of the seaplane and see a tiny teardrop-shaped island sparkling like a watermelon tourmaline in the hot blue sea. Surrounded by a thin border of white sand it had to be one of the most beautiful things she'd ever seen and it was also love at first sight for her.

After the plane stopped at the airport, a car picked them up and took them to the seaside where a seaplane was already waiting. The pilot, a dark skinned man named Neil, after the introductions had helped transfer their luggage into the plane and helped them settle into the plane before taking off.

'Wow!' She exclaimed. 'How very lucky you are. She's so beautiful.'

'Yes, I am very lucky to have her,’ he shouted over the noise of the plane.

The little plane landed on the water, skimming it like a stone thrown on a lake, and taxied closer to the beach. As soon as it came to a stop, Malora didn't wait for the men standing at the wooden pier to come get them by boat, she opened the door and threw herself into the water, clothes, shoes and all. She hit the warm water with a splash and a great whoop of joy. After the escapade in the plane, she needed all the comfort the sea offered. Her skin was no longer heated and the pain had subsided into a dull ache.

Malora turned on her back and Titan was looking at her with amusement.

'Jump in,' she called.

He shook his head. 'Thanks, but I'll pass.'

She swam lazily in the silky water while he went on to the beach and met three men who were waiting on the pier. From this far away she couldn't see their features, but one of them had long dreadlocks that had been bleached to a coppery color by the sun. They wore colorful clothes. Even from where she was she could see that their bodies were toned and muscular and their skins shone like highly polished wood.

They shook hands with Titan and then they all turned to look at her. Malora waved at them, they waved back and then they all went back into the house with their luggage. The men, Titan had told her, don't live on the island, and when they returned to the mainland Malora and Titan would be totally alone on this paradise island.
He'd really gone all out for this.

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