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Titan let go of her and Malora realized she was trembling.

She leaned against the desk, hating herself, but unable to stop—nothing was more important than the money—she asked, 'Did you. . .did you mean it about the money?'


A sob of relief escaped her throat. Malora covered her mouth with both hands. 'Thank you.'

He looked at her with narrowed eyes, as if surprised by the intensity of her reaction, but he didn't offer any comment. 'Did you have a coat?'

Malora nodded, unable to speak.

'Give me the ticket. I'll get it.'

Malora rummaged through the purse hanging by her hips, her hands unsteady, and shook her head glumly. 'I think the guard gave it to Damian.'

'Let's go. I'll buy you another.'

'I can't leave without it. It's not mine,' she whispered.

He sighed. 'It's all right. I'll get it. Is the coat. . .er. . .orange?'

Malora looked at him carefully—there was an insult there, somewhere—but his face was blank. 'Yes.'

'Wait here. Don't go anywhere.'

Malora stood in the middle of the room feeling light-headed. She'd gotten the money and she didn't have to get raped for it.

Malora's hands found their way to her mouth. That kiss. The way it made her feel. Just thinking about it made her long for the feel of his solid body melded into hers.

The door opened, and oh shit—Damian walked in.

'You look frightened. Why?  I do not wish you harm. In fact, I realize now that I am actually very interested in your offer. If I seemed unappreciative before please forgive me.'

'There is,' she said, shaking her head and taking a step backwards, 'nothing to forgive.'

'Is he really paying double?'

'I don't need more than what I asked you for.'

'Then why go to him? He is no different from me. He will drop you like a bad mortgage when he is finished with you too.'

Malora nodded. 'Of course he will, but like you said, I came with a price. You wanted to bargain and he was willing to pay it.' If only she could keep him talking until Titan returned.

'So am I, now.'

'Besides, you want fifty shades of grey and he just wants a woman.'

Damian laughed. He sounded like a braying donkey. 'You fool! You're sorely mistaken if you think what he wants you for is just to merely fuck you.'

He came closer.

'Titan has gone to get my coat and shoes. He'll be back any time.'

'Not without this he won't.'  He held out her ticket.

He put out a hand suddenly. Malora tried to move back, but he grabbed her by the arm, his grip vice-like, his fingers digging painfully into her flesh. He hauled her closer.

'You're hurting me.'

'You'll be surprised how much pain the human body can take.'

'What do you want, Damian?'

'I feel aggrieved. Something I wanted and was promised to me has been stolen by another. I was given a taste of something, which I very much liked. You resist beautifully, Malora. Perhaps, you will do both of us. I will pay you too.'

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