Summer: I got it!

Turning back to the spunky huntress, Vergil watches as Summer walks over, with her new weapons.

Turning back to the spunky huntress, Vergil watches as Summer walks over, with her new weapons

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(Two of these)

Raising an eyebrow, Vergil smirks.

Vergil: Ah, the kusarigama? Quite an unique item.

Responding with a "Yep!", Summer takes the two weapons out, while Vergil tosses a few hundred lien to the man.

Vergil: Keep the change.

He walks out the store as he catches up with Summer. While they head back to Beacon, Vergil glances at her.

Vergil: You don't want any sort of gun?

Summer: Hm? No, I prefer sticking to close combat. Besides, I can just cut any distance with my semblance. In fact, and I know Yang has punched a bird out of the sky, I kinda find guns to be...less effective than melee. Does that make sense?

Studying Summer for a moment, Vergil smiles as he has found someone with a similar idea as him.

Vergil: Yes, it makes plenty.


Vergil: You sure you want to do this?

Summer: Sure am! Don't worry, I promise not to leave any marks~

The two of them stand across from each other in Beacon's sparring room, while RWBY watches.

Ruby: Show him how it's done, mom!

Giggling from her daughter's support, Summer brings out her twin kusarigama, which she has named Thorn Bush. Their blades gleam under the light and the chains rattle as she smiles, though there was a menacing feeling behind it.

Summer: Better be careful, Vergil. I may just knock you off your feet.

With a smug smile forming, Vergil holds Yamato in front of him.

With a smug smile forming, Vergil holds Yamato in front of him

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Vergil: I'd love to see you try.

(DMC 4:SE OST - Let's Just See)

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