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Returning from his defeat at the hands of JNRR, Vergil and Qrow, Tyrian fearfully and anxiously approaches Salem's throne room. The Grimm Queen has her head down, towards a book of some kind, when Tyrian enters.

Salem: Tyrian. You've returned, I see.

Tyrian: M-my Queen...I-I...have come to report.

Her unnerving gaze peering up into the scorpion faunus' eyes, Salem slowly stands up from her throne.

Salem: Well, seeing as you are not here with the rose, I already know you've failed your task.

On shaky legs, Tyrian falls to his knees, grovelling before his master.

Tyrian: P-please forgive me, my Queen. I vow to not make such a humiliating mistake again.

He keeps his head down, silent and nervously waiting for Salem to speak, when she chuckles.

Salem: Are you aware of soul manipulation?

Slightly lifting his head, but still looking down to the floor, Tyrian nods.

Tyrian: Y-yes, my Queen.

Salem: It is an ancient art, long forbidden by humanity due to the immorality involved. Reviving the dead to do your bidding. And yet, it has so much potential...

Going back to her seat, Salem picks up the book she was looking into, and it emanated a sort of demonic energy.

Salem: You've been defeated by Vergil Sparda, twice

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Salem: You've been defeated by Vergil Sparda, twice. That is because there is no other person on this planet on his caliber, maybe even including Ozma and myself. Now I'm sure you remember the man that once stormed this castle and killed me?

Now quivering from where he was kneeling, Tyrian looks up to Salem.

Tyrian: H-how could I ever? He was idiotic to trample upon your land and...even to k-kill you, my Queen.

Salem: Mm, I wouldn't say idiotic. He effortlessly defeated all of my servants, and beheaded me. I have lived many centuries, but that man is someone I could never forget. You remember his name, yes?

Tyrian: His name...was Sparda, my Queen.

Salem: Correct. I admit, I was shocked by his prowess, and he still had so much life. So youthful...clearly I could never persuade him to form an alliance with me, so I did what I had to, so I could prevent him from further interfering in my plans. Tell me, Tyrian...what did I do to Sparda?

Shifting into a more proper kneel, Tyrian's nervous face morphs into a sadistic smile.

Tyrian: You took away his time, forcing him to age rapidly and rendering him into a helpless old fool.

While humming ominously, Salem glances out the window, towards the shattered moon.

Salem: Now, I could clearly tell that man was a demon, as he was never attacked by my Grimm. And it is wholly impossible for a demon to have a soul...but what if he had children? With a human woman?

Tyrian: You mean...

Salem: Yes. With the combination of soul manipulation and my black magic, I was able to resurrect a certain soul, and fill it with hate. Of course, it took many attempts, as this soul overpowered me multiple times.

As if following a cue, the doors to Salem's throne room swing open, and footsteps echo in the large room. Folding her arms as she gazes at the new entrant, Salem smiles.

Salem: Remember, you are to remain at your position here, until the plans for Haven proceed. Am I understood?

Normally, a servant of Salem would kneel or bow before her, but the man simply shrugs.

???: That's boring. If you're gonna wake me up from a permanent nap, at least give me some entertainment.

Her smile slightly fading, the Grimm Queen narrows her eyes at the individual, while Tyrian's shoots up to his feet, a wrathful gleam in his eyes.

Tyrian: How dare you speak to our queen that way!

Immediately rushing towards the man, Tyrian swings his wrist blades towards their neck, only for the mysterious individual to suddenly move their arms in a defensive position.

???: Royal Guard!

Right when he's about to make contact, a barrier blocks Tyrian's attack, and the faunus gets blasted by a red light, sending him rocketing out the window. Salem looks over her shoulder to where Tyrian was launched, then towards the man, an unamused look on her face.

Salem: Was that necessary?

???: Look, lady, I can easily break out of this weird voodoo magic you got going on with minimum effort any time if I want to, and go right back to napping after stomping your fine ass all over the place, I'm just too lazy right now.

Letting out an annoyed sigh, Salem pinches her nose.

Salem: You are quite arrogant, yet you remind me of that man.

???: Whatever. I'm gonna go farm those Grimm outside for experience. And in case you can't remember, no one touches Vergil except for me. Got it? Got it.

Turning right back around, the individual leaves, his red trench coat flowing behind him, when Salem suddenly starts gasping for air, as she falls back onto a chair that catches her.

Salem: It took all of my will just to stand in front of him...that power...

Standing up and dusting herself off, Salem walks towards her throne, resting a hand on it's right side.

Salem: Let's see what you're capable of...Son of Sparda.


From this point on, I will be using actual titles for my chapters instead of just writing RWBY. And I'll be taking even more time to upload as I'll be busy with school starting soon. Wish me luck.

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