DxD 5

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Vergil awakens to the cute Koneko snoozing on top of him. Gently, he lifts her off of him and stands up while stretching.

Vergil: (I wonder if this will be an everyday thing.)

He hears a yawn behind him, and turns to see Koneko stretching her arms out, while her top half is entirely exposed. Tints of red dusting Vergil's face, he quickly dismisses the embarrassment as he rubs her head.

Vergil: Sleep well?

Koneko: Mm. You're very comfy...I wanna sleep on you more often.

Vergil: Heh, well I'm not against that. So it's fine.

Kissing her head, Vergil walks out the room as his phone vibrates. He picks it up, and the ID reads "Sona".

Vergil: Hm, Sona is calling me? How rare.

Answering the call, he holds his cell to his ear.

Vergil: Sona? Is something wrong?

Sona: Hello, Vergil. We're sorry to disturb you today, but I'd like you to come to the entrance of the school.

Vergil: ...Is the Perverted Trio being beaten down by the Kendo club again?

Sona: Unfortunately, no. If that were the case, I wouldn't be calling for you, would I?

Vergil: You've got a point. Alright, I'm on my way.

Hanging up the call, Vergil turns to Koneko, who emerges from the room.

Vergil: Hey Koneko, sounds like I'm needed at the school.

Koneko: I'll come with.

They both clean themselves up, and Vergil creates a portal for Koneko and him to go through. They find themselves at the entrance, and Vergil glances at Koneko.

Vergil: Alright, see you later.

Koneko hugs him tightly before heading into the building. Meanwhile, he looks around and finds Sona and Tsubaki waiting for him.

Vergil: Okay, I'm here. What's the problem?

While subtly pointing towards the gates at the entrance, Sona speaks quietly.

Sona: There are two figures at the entrance, I've never seen them before...but I believe they are from the church.

With a serious expression on his face, Vergil turns his head, and sure enough, there are two people dressed in white robes. They are both girls, but they have hoods over their heads so it is hard to make out any other details.

Vergil: How curious...should we confront them?

Tsubaki: While we do feel alarmed by them, especially since they both seem to have holy swords, it isn't smart do confront them with all these people around. Besides, we already spoke with them earlier today.

Vergil: What? You weren't harmed in any conflict, were you?

A small smile forms on Sona's lips as she shakes her head.

Sona: While we appreciate your concern, there was no physicality between us. They simply said they wish to speak with Rias.

A questioning look appears on Vergil's face as he eyes the two robed girls.

Vergil: Followers of the church wish to speak to a devil? That sounds preposterous...but for them to come to this town...

Tsubaki, while taking Vergil's hand, leads him along with Sona away from the entrance and into the building.

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