Chapter Sixteen

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You were...happy.

When was the last time you had felt that?

You laid with him and listened the the sound of his heartbeat, the feeling of his chest rising and falling. You smiled and began to speak. "About a year ago, I broke my arm. I screamed really loudly, but I bet if you were there, I wouldn'tve. I feel comfortable with you....somehow." He chuckled in response. "A few years ago, someone who I thought was my friend smashed my leg with a cement block."

You jerked up and looked at him. "What?! I don't think you deserved that."

He gesticulated in agreement. "Yeah! It was only a tiny stab wound!"

You froze, wondering if you should retract your last statement, then chose to keep quiet.

There was pause, and then you spoke once more.

"....did it hurt?"

"Oh, yeah." he responded. "I screamed like a motherfucker and it glitched the whole tape."

You contemplated once more as to what he was talking about. Did Tim have a dark past?



"What are you talking about? Did something happen to you?"

He paused then shook his head. "You don't need to worry."

Well heck.

Suddenly, from out in the distance you hear "TIM! GIRL! VENNIE! DINNER!!!"

You and Tim shared a glance and walked back together almost silently, cracking a joke every now and then.

Eventually you got to the house, and the moment you stepped inside you were greeted with delicious smells and warm air. You quickly sat down, almost drooling, and you waited eagerly and expectantly. Jack set down the plate of food and you were unleashed on that stuff; You were done in less than a minute. Tim, Jack and Vennie quickly finished up and then, once everyone was finished, there was a moment of silent and awkwardness shared throughout the group.

You nervously smiled. Why wouldn't someone just talkkkkkk

You decided to take initiative and you quickly shot a query at Jack. " did you become all grey and eyeless and shit?"

"I was betrayed by someone I knew and sacrificed to a god, in which I became his son and developed a taste for human."

You gulped and scooted away from him, a little unnerved by his backstory.

" bout you, Vennie?"

"BAD THINGS." She stated firmly. "Bad thingssssss" she hissed as she dramatically fell to the floor.

"Now, you Tim."

Tim immediately spoke up. "I know what you're are trying to do. You don't need to worry about my past."

"Pleaseeeeeee!" You begged.

Later, he mouthed towards you.

You sat back triumphantly and soon excused yourself.


You and Tim were laying together up in the attic, kind of smushed on the medium-sized mattress.

"Story. Now." You pleaded.

He sighed and recounted Marble Hornets to you, from the Operators Interference to Alex's secret.

By the time he finished you were flabbergasted and overwhelmed.

You thought for a moment then flopped down on the bed.


Tim sighed and fell behind you.


So he did have a dark past.

He truly is a bad guy.

Well, shit.

Sorry for the short Chapter and missing a day.

I updated, like, six times the day before so don't even.

But anyway, I thought it would do Tim justice to have him tell you his backstory.

I will be posting the lowdown of MH soon (because it's hard to find any not confusing recaps on the internet). If you are planning on watching Marble Hornets, you don't need to read it.

I'm sorry. I feel like I've gotten boring XD

I promise next Chapter will be better.


Grimace (Yandere!Masky x Female!Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum