Untitled Part 10

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You clutched your jacket as close to you as possible while you snuck down the dirt road.

Turns out it gets really cold at night. Welp.

You chuckled to yourself, shivering and running as you reminisced on the past evening,

Fools. Jack was nice though.

You felt warmer as the memory of dinnertime echoed in your head. Jack had made something amazing (you couldn't remember the name but it was something french sounding) and you had all sat down at the mahogany table, engaging in civilized conversation.

Soon enough, you learned that both Jack and Tim were murderers (which only made you want to escape more). You remembered forcing a smile through gritted teeth.

How many people died at my captors hands? Jacks?

Every second of the evening you wished you were back home with your guardian, watching something cheesy like Nemo or Moana. Yet alas, you remained trapped inside your rustic prison, waiting for Jack and Tim to let their guard down.

Part of you wished you could see their faces, but you knew you had to keep moving.

Eventually the car came into view, a dark, hulking figure in the already pitch black night. You moseyed your way over to it, trying the handle. It was locked.

You thought for a few moments before finally grabbing a rock nearby. Knowing you would have to get out quick after this, you shattered the window with it, jutting your arm inside and unlocking it,

You winced as the sound of shattering glass echoed throughout the forest.They heard that, without a doubt.You thought to yourself anxiously as you opened the dented car door. You threw yourself inside, you butt crying out in pain as you sat on the shards of broken glass and put the key into the dock. You heard shouting as the lights in the house went on. You saw Tim's silhouette rushing out of bed and down the stairs. He was shaking.

I hope he's crying.

You shoved the car into drive and quickly sped away, towards the house where the road awaited.

It was then that you realized the car was out of gas.

Tim had drained the tank just in case of this.

You leapt out of the car window, scratching up your torso in the process. You didn't feel it though; You were to adrenaline filled to even process pain. You raced out to the woods, then suddenly ducked behind a tree when you heard Jack and Tim's voices.

"Where did she go Jack?!" Tim cried, almost sounding worried for you.

Ha. You knew better.

"I don't know! Stop asking me that, you've asked me, like, six times already! Stop man!" Jack yelled.

"No, no....she can't be gone." You heard Tim's voice crack up. Did they know where you were and they were just trying to coax you out? No, they could've easily overpowered you if they tried.

Then you heard Tim thump to the ground. You peeked out from behind your apple tree's trunk, curious as to what was going on.

Then you saw it.

Tim was crying.

A wave of guilt swept through you, your heart pained and quickly beating.

Why would Tim cry for you?

Only one way to find out.

You stepped out from your hiding place behind the apple tree, greeting the faces of your bewildered kidnappers. Much to your surprise, Tim rushed at you with rage in his face as opposed to sadness.

"Excuse me, what the fuck!? I thought you ran away Were you trying to?!!"

You forced a smile. "No, just taking a brisk walk." Acid dripped from your voice, and you could tell it just made him angrier.

He suddenly grabbed your neck and you began to gasp for air. "T-Tim....I-I...Can't.....Breath-the..." He let you go, and you fell in front of him, choking and gasping.

You looked up to see him smiling. It was almost creepy, as if he wanted to hurt you very badly.

"Maybe a broken leg will hinder any escapes?"

Jack suddenly stepped in, shoving Tim off to the side. "Hey man, lay off her! Can you blame her for wanting to escape you?"

Tim scowled. "No."

Jack sighed, his body seeming to shrink in on itself as he did so. "Maybe just ground her or something, I don't know. Don't break her leg for doing what is natural."

Tim rolled his eyes and proceeded to angrily walk back to the farmhouse, cursing and muttering under his breath.

You sighed. He must've been guilt-tripping you.

I guess I'll have to escape another day.

So I thought about letting Tim rush towards you all sad and sobbing

Then I remembered that he's a bloodthirsty murderer

And he's a psychopath

Y'know, that little thing.

He'll probably apologize to you next Chapter but I'd stop running away if I were you

Not like I'm in control of that XD

But anyway.

Buh baiiiiii bitches


Grimace (Yandere!Masky x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now