Chapter Eight

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"Let's go." He said smoothly in that same gentle voice he'd been using before.

And just like that, it was over.

You walked back over to the car, unsure of how to categorize this moment You were confused. Why did he stop?

Then, you woke up.


You woke up with a start, looking around frantically as you assessed the situation.

It was dark out, and it looked like your captor had stuck to the back roads. Endless trees surrounded the car for miles and miles, nothing between the man and killing you, dumping your body in the woods for safe measures. A humming sound echoed throughout the air, which made sense given that it seemed like you were driving on a dirt road. The man silently piloted the vehicle next to you; You wondered how he was driving so well while it was so dark out. You took a deep breath in to calm yourself and ended up choking. Probably on my own tears, you thought bitterly. You sighed. Well, if you were gonna be stuck in this car with this man for god knows how long, you might as well get some answers. You cleared your throat to let the man know that you were awake.

"Did you have a nice sleep?"

You were taken aback by this comment. "Excuse me, what?"

"Did. You. Have. A. Nice. Sleep?"

"Um.....sure? Thanks?"

"No problem."

He was silent after that. You cleared your throat again. "I need some answers. I've been cooperative, I've been taken from my vacation, I found a fucking polaroid of me sleeping fucking naked. I need answers, and now."

Still silence.

You grunted, then realized that you'd probably have to ask a question first. You mentally facepalmed.

"Umm.....okay. What's your name?"

He didn't respond for a few moments, then replied in an understanding voice.

"My name is Tim."

You paused, then shrugged, wondering what you expected.

"Alright, TIM, if that is your REAL name. Why did you kidnap me?"

You waited for a few moments before realizing that he wasn't going to respond. You thought about elbowing him but then remembered your dream, shuddering at the memory.

"What are you going to do with me?"

He sighed in an almost contemplative way, as if he was trying to formulate the words in the nicest way possible.

"I'm going to protect you and...take care of you."

You suddenly became very fearful. What did he mean by take care you?

He chuckled. "I know what you're thinking. I'm not going to 'take care of you' in the way you're thinking. I simply meant that I'm going to make sure you're fed and happy."

You scoffed at this. Happy? You were far from happy. In fact, you were probably the opposite of happy. What world was he in? And you hadn't eaten in four hours. That wasn't fed in your book.

"Okay, so where are we going?"

He hummed to himself. "Good question. I was thinking we could stay at an old abandoned rural house. The family was supposedly killed in a car crash, and one of my friends told me that it was their summer house. Given that it's fall, the house should be clean, and I heard there's still some food in the pantry over there. It won't be just us however."


"My friend is a cannibal. You can call him Jack, or whatever he wants to be called. He's been staying there for a while because of all of the people in the small town nearby. It should be rather peaceful."

You cocked your head. It sounded like he'd been planning this out for a while. You suddenly thought of a new question.

"....Why me?"

He then spoke a chilling response.

"I've been watching you for a while, Y/N. My boss tasked me with killing you, but I soon grew to like you. I asked for their permission to allow me to kidnap and keep you. They said it was fine as long as I could control you. And that's what I'm going to do."

This response invoked worry and you wondered what he would do to control you.

Keep you.

Keep you.

Like you're an object. It then hit you. He liked you.

You were his object.


You're his object nowwwwww

Maybe he'll have some fun with you in the flower field

Or hump you in the pumpkin patch

Or do something somewhere else. Idk tho

Maybe Eyeless Jack will try to snag you ;)

But anyway.

Buh byeeeeeee


Grimace (Yandere!Masky x Female!Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu