Chapter Twenty-One

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Suddenly, I heard a scream.

Sadiya's face flipped from a sly grin to an anxious scowl, and we both darted upstairs simultaneously. I reached the top of the creaky stairs and felt her grab my leg in an attempt to trip me.

Nice try, bitch.

I smacked her and she stumbled onto the previous stair, her bottom arms holding the railing as she swung back, bloodlust in her eyes. I darted forward. "Y/N!? Y/N! Scream again!



"Y/N!? Y/N! Scream again! Please!"

You paused. Did you really wanna do this?


Well, it was either him or Sadiya.

Suddenly came Jack's voice. "Y/N! Please! We're here to save you!!!"

You sighed. You'd do it for Jack.

But only for Jack. Not Tim.

You screamed then and waited as you heard footsteps banging up the stairs. Jack burst into the room and began to unchain you from the bed (not weird, I promise). "Tim is fighting Sadiya." Jack stated. You shook you ankle free of your newly unbound chains and rushed out of the room, holding Jack's arm as you made your way out to the car. You jumped in, clicking your seatbelt as you anxiously waited for Jack to drive.

C'mon Tim.........

Whoops no rooting for him

You crossed your arms and closed in on yourself. Why, why did it have to go this way? You blinked back tears as you recounted all of the horrible things that had happened to you.

You were assaulted and nearly raped by your ex.

You were kidnapped by Tim after finding a polaroid of you sleeping naked.

You were held hostage, then kidnapped again.

Now they're rescuing and you and god knows what they're gonna do next.

You cursed. Why you?

You snapped out of it upon the sound of Tim hurling open the door. He sat down. "DRIVE JACK." Jack slammed the thing into drive and sped off into the night "Where's Sadiya." You flatly queried. Tim scoffed and replied in a similar voice. "Tied her up. She'll get out soon. When we get home we talk."

You sucked in air. Jerk. Why do you need to talk to him?

You just wanted some water.

Awwwwwww poor baby want some water?

Too bad. All you get are Tim's juices.

And your own tears.




But anyway.

BYE. *slams door*


Grimace (Yandere!Masky x Female!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang