Chapter Five

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A Memory~

"Mommy, mommy!" You shrieked. "I scraped my knee! It hurts! Mommy!" Your parent rushed over holding a bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide. You squealed knowing that the clear chemical would burn your wound and you pulled your leg away. "Now, now Y/N," your parent said in a comforting voice. "When you feel scared or lost, just think happy thoughts." Your parent smiled at you and, with that, you closed your eyes and thought. You squeezed your eyelids tightly, yet you felt no fear. You even smiled thinking of a play date with B/F. "Look Y/N, it's over!" You opened your eyes and saw that your wound was already bandaged. and clean. You hugged your parent tightly, giggling at the thought of your previous foolishness. "Thanks Mama....."

The Present

Thump. Thump. Thump.

You felt your heart banging in your chest as you watched the mysterious man tie a knot around your bedpost using a rope. Without saying a single word he walked over and forcibly grabbed your bicep, causing you to cry out as pain shot up from tricep to shoulder. You blearily looked over at your suitcase, wondering if you were ever going to see those possessions again when suddenly, without warning, the man forced your arms around him, tightly tying them to his chest. After he had sufficiently bound you he held you by the arse and tied your legs around his waist, stepping out onto the sill as he did so. The air was humid and cold, causing you to shiver. You cursed under your breath, wishing you had asked him if you could bring a coat. It was then that he began to expertly climb down the twine rope, careful not to scrape you against the brick outside.

All the while you cried, your breaths coming out in shudders as they escaped, your tears cooling against your already moist cheeks.

"Don't move."

You froze against his warm body, fear taking over. Why, oh why did I choose a room on the eighth floor? You held him tighter causing him to grunt slightly...or was it a moan?

Lower, and lower, and lower.



Thank god.

He cut your bonds and shoved you into the passenger seat, buckling your seat belt with a loud click. He ran around the front of the car and slammed into the drivers seat, quickly closing the door. You winced at his smell; He reeked of sweat, rain and blood. He quickly glanced at you before backing out. Red and blue began to illuminate the car, washing the man in a red light.

Suits him. You sneered a little, taking pride in dethroning your captor. It was, after all, the only thing you could control at the moment.

He suddenly put the car into drive causing you to lurch forward. As he began to drive away into the night you wondered if anyone would notice your absence. Probably not . After all, you were on vacation.

You watched in vain as the last rays of red and blue light faded. The man pulled out, introducing the atmosphere to a plethora of vivid city lights. The car was brighter than when you were in the parking lot.

Yet somehow, your world looked a lot darker.

Sorry for a boring Chapter yall. I had to get you out of there so that Tim could rape you peacefully snatch you.

I promise the next Chapter will be a lot more interesting. It's just that there's no emotion but fear now and that makes it t o o c o n s i s t e n t. I promised yall a story and that what yall'll get. Just need to get the boring stuff out of the way first XD

But anyway.



Grimace (Yandere!Masky x Female!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang