Chapter 1

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"Shanayra Anderson" A loud, boisterous voice called out my name behind me. I lifted my head to see Dean standing at the other end of the room near the door with a smirk on his face.

"Arts ma'am asked for your presence." he says stoically. "Why?" I questioned. He shrugged his shoulders in response and left. The bell rang and everyone started walking out of the room towards their next lessons.

I gathered up my things, threw them in my bag before strapping it shut, and made my way towards the art room.

Why is she calling me to her room? It's not like I'm good at art and she wants me to participate in some stupid competition.

And all of my assignments were completed before they were due.

I opened the heavy door of the art room and peeped inside. The large room was completely engulfed in darkness. Why are the lights off? I thought.

"Miss Leila... Miss Leila are you in there" I called out her name but no one replied.

I was about to turn back since no one was in there but suddenly a big pair of hands grabbed me and shoved me into the room after closing the door. I let out a scream when my head hit the wall behind me."Who is in here? Huh?" I roared in frustration. Suddenly the sound of someone's laughter fills the room.

"Princess it's me," a familiar voice whispered in my ear. It's Peter.

"Peter? You son of a bitc-." I started before he slapped me hard across my face. "Boys turn on the lights," he ordered cockily and one of his minions turned on the lights. 

He roughly grabbed my hair and threw me on the table. His fist thrusted into my face and I instantly let out a scream as a sudden gush of pain jolted throughout my body.

"Aahh!" I grimace in pain.

"Oh, Shanayra are you fine?" Rose's voice rang in my ear. Bitch. I slowly lifted my gaze and she's standing near the door with a big smile on her face.

"I'm fine," I replied, my voice husky. "Just in the perfect mood to kill someone."

My balled fist collided with Peter's cheekbone and he lost his balance and fell on the floor ."Peter" Rose shrieks in panic and rushes towards him. Using the opportunity I slammed my hand into his ribs and he winced in pain. I couldn't help but smile. 

"Shanayra Anderson" Miss Evans' angry shout stopped my fist in mid-air

Oh shit!

"Yes, Miss?" I said questionably.

"What are you doing?" she asked furiously and when her eyes spotted Peter lying on the floor with blood on his face she screamed.

"Ahhh! Peter are you fine? Who did this?" she quizzes with urgency.

Peter wailed loudly like a five year old and pointed his finger straight towards me

"What the hell is this Shanayra?" she sharply accused as she folded her arms.

"Ma'am when I went into the art room Peter hit me -"

"Stop lying Ms Anderson." She shouted disappointedly , cutting me off.

"That's the last straw Shanayra. Today you have crossed a line. Just look at him," she pointed towards Peter's face.

"What if he had been seriously injured, huh? This is not the first time you have done something like this is it Ms Anderson? Every day, students are coming and going, complaining about you, but not anymore. I have the perfect punishment for you. Come to my office, right now!" She marched out and headed for her office with purpose.

Bad Prince (Enemies to lovers college bully romance18+ )UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now