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I was sitting in the living room going through my spell books, but I couldn't find anything. "Damn it!" I yelled to myself and threw the book at the wall.

Kol sighed and picked it up. "Relax, love." He said to me and I scoffed. "I can't relax, Kol! My son is out there somewhere and I don't have a damn spell to find him!" I yelled to him.

He walked towards me and sat down. "We will find him, no matter what." He says to my trying to give me hope. But it's not working. "Why him? He is only a baby! How could someone do this?!" I said and tears formed my eyes.

Kol softly kissed my forehead. "Because they don't understand like we do." He said to me and I sighed sniping my tears away. "I don't know what I'd do if something happened to him." I said with my voice breaking.

I can't loose him. I can't. "Nothing will happen to him. He's a strong child, he has you as a mother." He said to me and I smiled weakly and sniffled.

"I just don't know what to do anymore. I feel useless." I say to him and he held my hands. "Davina Claire, you are far from useless. You are strong, and beautiful, and brave. You make the world a better place. And I'll be damned if anyone tries to harm him. I'll kill them myself." He said to me and I kissed his lips.

"I love you, Kol Mikaelson." I said to him and he smiled. "I love you, Davina Claire." He said to me. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. At that moment, I felt safe.

Then, an idea popped in my head. I stood up and looked at him. "What if me and Freya worked together for a spell, Maybe were strong enough to out past Esther." I said to him excitedly and he smiled.

"I think that sounds perfect. Let's go." He said and stood up. I stood up as well and we left my house walking to the compound. We arrived and entered as we saw Freya, Elijah, and Rebekah on the couch.

"Freya, could we talk to you for a moment?" Kol asked his sister. She looked over at us. "Yeah." She said and got up walking over to us. "What's up?" She asked.

"What if you and I worked on a spell together to find James? We could be strong enough to beat Esther's spell." I said to her and she smiled.

"It's worth a try." She said and I smiled. I finally had hope. We walked to her room and she put candles in a circle. She lit them as I waited.

She put a bowl in the middle of the table. "I need your's and Kol's blood in this bowl." She said to me handing me a knife.

I nodded and slightly cut open my hand and let the blood drip inside. As I finished, I handed Kol the knife and he did the same.

I looked at Freya and she held her hands out for me. I took her hands and closed my eyes and we started chanting. The wind picked up and everything started flying around the room.

The flames grew high as we kept chanting and the blood kept going in circles. Then, it finished. Everything stopped. We opened our eyes. "Did it work?" Kol asked and Freya smiled.

"He should be here." She said and pointed on the map. "Wait, seriously?" I asked and she nodded. Kol looked at the map.

"No, she wouldn't be that stupid." Kol said. "That's where he is."Freya said. He is at St. Anne's Church. But...why? Why there? If all places they could've went, she took him there? Is it because of me? Because I lived there?

"Let's go get out son back." I said to Kol and he smiled. We left Freya's room and went downstairs. We walks from the compound to the old church.

When we arrived, we walked in and looked around but no one was there. "This is weird." I said to Kol and he nodded. "It's too quite. And I don't see him anywhere."  He replied.

"I'll check upstairs." I said and walked upstairs to my old room. And that's when I saw him. "James?" I said quietly as I teared up. I can't believe he's actually here.

I walk up to him and picked him up. I help him closely to me. "I'm so sorry baby." I said crying and kissed his head as he cuddled into my chest.

"Mama?" He said and I smiled and whipped my tears. "Yeah, baby. It's mommy." I said smiling. I walked downstairs to Kol and he looked over at me smiling.

"James." He said with a smile on his face and took him from my arms. "Who you?" James asked as he sighed.

James never knew who he was. I never got the chance to properly introduce him. "James, this is your daddy." I said with a smile. James looked at Kol confused, "dada?" He asked and Kol smiled.

"Yeah, buddy. I'm your daddy." Kol said. "We should go. Esther could come back." I said and he nodded. We left for the compound.

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