Chapter 10 John

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As Zari walking down the hallway, she hears a noise.

"AUGH!" as John is thrown to the wall.

"Really, that's it?" Meili says.

"Well, what'd you expected? He's a cripple after all." Ventus says.

"Yea, but that was a bit too underwhelming! I mean, he didn't even get to fight back." Meili responds.

"Eh whatever, let's go. We're done here." Ventus says.

The duo begin to walk away while John stares at them. Ventus and Meili stop to see Zari looking at them.

"What do you want?" Meili asks.

"I seen what you did to John." Zari responds.

"So what? What are you gonna do about it?" Ventus says. "You still haven't shown the school your ability."

"Oh really now? I wonder why?" Zari says with a smirk.

"Get out of our way." Meili says.

"Make me." Zari responds.

"Oh you-!" Meili says before getting interrupted by Zari grabbing her by the mouth.

"What the-!" Ventus says before getting kicked in the face.

Zari throws Meili at Ventus. Zari looks at John rushes towards him.

"Hey, let's get you to the infirmary." Zari says.

John doesn't say anything.


"Two broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder. You really outdone yourself this time, John." Doc says.

"Look, Doc. I didn't start anything this time. Those two came and attacked me out of nowhere! I didn't provoke them, I swear-!" John gets cut off by Doc.

"I don't wanna here it. John, I'm really getting tired of this. You should know how to avoid these kinds of situations by now." Doc says.

Doc walks away while Zari sits next to John.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." Zari says.

John doesn't say anything and takes out his phone. Both Zari and John see his phone cracked. John gets up from the bed and slams his phone to the ground. Zari gets up.

"Hey John. Calm down. It's fine. You'll-" Zari says as she place her hand on John shoulder, only for him to smack it away.

"Don't touch me." John says as he walks away.

Doc grabs John by the shoulder. "Where do you think you're going?"

"LET GO!" John yells as he shoves Doc arm away.

"Why you little-" gets interrupted by John.

"Doc. I didn't come to school so I could spend the entire day at the infirmary. I'm leaving." John says as he walks toward the door.

Zari looks at the scene.

"Don't take another step! Just what the hell do you expect to accomplish by going out looking like that? You're walking with an even bigger target on your back!" Doc says as his ability is activated.

"Honestly Doc. I'm not the one you should be worrying about." John replies.

Doc looks at John. "John, my policy exist to reduce student injuries. If you leave now... Regardless of what you do, you'll only cause me more trouble. So, if you have any respect for me, you'll listen and sit your ass back down!" Doc says.

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