Chapter 53 Zane, Zari & Mrs.Lance

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"Hey Zane. Zari. How was school?" Mrs.Lance asks.

"Mother? I thought you went back to LA HQ?" Zane asks.

"What? You don't like for your own mother to be here?" Mrs.Lance asks.

"No it's not that. We just thought you would be there doing important work." Zari says.

"Hmm. Your not wrong. But the Supreme Five gave me some time off. So I'm gonna spend it with my children." Mrs.Lance says.

"Oh lord. Here I thought we were free." Zane sighs.

"Don't be like that. What's wrong with a mother wanting to spend time being with her children?" Mrs.Lance asks.

"Knowing you. You'll probably ask us a lot of stuff." Zari says.

"I'm hurt." Mrs.Lance huffs.

Zane and Zari smile.

"Well. How about food?" Zane asks.

"Oh I got a reservation in Starlight restaurant." Mrs.Lance says.

"You mean that place where John and Seraphina had their date?" Zane asks.

'Yup." Zari replies.

"Hank and Lori caught them looking at them every now and then during their time together at the restaurant." Mrs.Lance says.

"Maybe they were curious on how strong they were." Zane shrugs.

"It wouldn't be the first many new recruits think." Mrs.Lance says.

"True." Zane and Zari say.

"So. What happened today?" Mrs.Lance asks.

Zane and Zari drop their backpacks. Zane walks to the couch and sits.

"John targeted another student in the school." Zari says.

"This time it was Blyke." Zane says.

"The one who was being a vigilante?" Mrs.Lance asks.

"Yup." Zari pops the p. "The fight was one-side the moment he activates his ability."

"No doubt. John isn't too be underestimated. In the future, he could be on par with me currently." Mrs.Lance says.

"Makes you wonder what could be his true potential." Zane says.

"Indeed. John is a special kid. An ability to copy and amplify an ability. I already submitted the file of John, Rosa and Seraphina to the Supreme Five. They are aware of Seraphina's situation and allowed us to continue working on reversing the effects of the serum." Mrs.Lance says.

"What do the Supreme Five think of them?" Zane asks.

"Well..." Mrs.Lance trails off.

"Mrs.Lance. We have recieved the files that you sumbitted recently." Supreme One says.

"Yes. It is unfortante that this Seraphina girl was targetted to have her ability taken away." Supreme Two says.

"The Octavius family are working on reversing the effects of that serum. The progress have been in the files I sumbitted." Mrs.Lance says.

"Yes. We have already looked at it." Supreme One says.

"And we all voted for you to continue working on the subject. This could be a problem if this was mass preduced." Supreme Four says.

"Thank you for the permission." Mrs.Lance says.

"And I do say that this Rosa girl has a fastinating ability." Supreme Three says.

"A healing barrier that can heal up to two people. And the downside that the damage she takes, the slower the healing will go. I trust you can help her improve." Supreme Two says.

"Yes I can." Mrs.Lance says.

"And this John boy. He has a rather unique ability." Supreme Five says.

The other Supreme Leaders agree.

"Yes. The ability Aura Manipulation. Capable of copying and aplifing abilities. Though it seems it is limited on certain abilities. Most noted mental or abilities that can be actiavted by the user." Supreme Three says.

"What gets me worried is the behavior this boy has. Expelled for beating down half his classmates. My. That is some sheer force to be reckened with." Supreme Four says.

"John will be on watched by my children in case things get out of hand." Mrs.Lance says.

"So basically, he is repeating the same progress is what I'm getting?" Supreme One asks.

"Yes. He has. But not for the same reasons. According to my children, John is doing this because of the situation with Seraphina." Mrs.Lance says.

"I see." Supreme One says.

"And are you sure this boy won't give out any details? The authorities will take any information that will be used against us." Supreme Three says.

"Trust me. He won't. I'll make sure of it personally." Mrs.Lance says.

"Yes. I wouldn't want someone like him be sent to our prison. He seems to be quite capable in combat. Not many people are like him. Not counting his ability." Supreme Two says.

"Is there anything else you wish to ask?" Mrs.Lance asks.

"I would like to meet this John boy personally." Supreme One says.


"W-What?" Mrs.Lance looked taken back.

"You heard me Sara. I wish to meet this boy personally. It doesn't have to be now. Maybe when I have time to meet him." Supreme One says.

"That's not like you. What's your real reason?" Supreme Four asks.

"I want to see how he fair against me in combat. From what I read, I don't believe he'll be able to copy and amplify my ability." Supreme One says.

"Hey! I want to meet this boy too!" Supreme Two says.

"No one is stopping you." Supreme Three says.

"In any case. I'll let you know when the scheduled date is. Until next time." Supreme One says.

All five screens disappear.
*Flashback End*
Zane and Zari widen their eyes in surprised and fear. "WHAAAAATTTT????!!!!!!"

Mrs.Lance looked surprised by their tone. "It's true. The Supreme One is looking forward to meeting John."

"Damn! Should I let John know?" Zane asks.

"No. Not until the Supreme One scheduled the day." Mrs.Lance says.

"Hopefully it's not too soon." Zari says.

Zane nods.

"We'll have to wait and see." Mrs.Lance says.

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