Chapter 97: The Mountain of Death

Start from the beginning

"Ugh, don't mention it. Was going to head to the molten valleys where most of the volcanic latchers hang around but, we have work to be done here in the Keep." Runic spoke to Chimera before disconnecting from the conversation as she shook her head as she mocked a few sound before turning around and freezing in place as one of the more lanky sentinels was standing in front of her, Runic looked up as the wisping figure seeing into their near white eyes as deep cyan flames wisped around in the cold winds. Runic would describe this person as being extremely quiet and like a phantom in the wind, tall and thin body with broad shoulders covered by a tattered black cloak, the sentinel's hair was long and white like the snow only to be faded with a dark cyan green, these wings were similar to flames as their two pronged tail had a few lanterns hanging from it each lit with a blue flame conjured by souls. Sentinels were always easy to spot due to their fashion with dark grayscale clothing or deeply colored close that drew near the greys, mostly their cloaks were noticeable as each cloak was marked the symbol of a sentinel.

"Phantasm...uh...Hi...didn't notice you where standing there, I'm guessing you heard?" Runic said as she passed the lanky latcher hearing him scoffed. "Of course I did, didn't expect Chimera to dive into the risky side of things by bringing that foolish mortal back~" Phantasm said with a snarl as he walked beside Runic, "hows Grian doing...Is he doing alright?" Runic questioned as she looked up at Phantasm. The ghostly sentinel took a moment to think about it, the man half bird has been in Purga for quite some time now and the sentinels have yet to return Grian back to his friends, "you were the one tending to his corruptions from many latcher souls has Hero corrupted in these past few days?" Phantasm spoke out knowing Master had planned on heading to the mountains where the ruins laid dormant with Hero lurking within them.

"Yes, I did cure him of the corruption but I'm starting to worry that Purga is taking a greater effect on his body~ he's mortal, and mortal's don't belong in purga. This place is harsher than what mortals are used to~" Runic spoke, "well....Antfrost is a bit different." Runic added remembering their humanoid cat servant they sent out to locate and monitor the group for them, Ant was a loyal watchman for the sentinels, always being alert and being a good listener to information and commands.

"But he's different, he at least is a bit more resilient to the cold. But....who was that knowledge eater, there's three of them....ah Logos, Pathos, and Ethos...that trio of latchers, did they have three mortals hidden in their place." Phantasm said, "Eret, Niki, and Thunder? But those three have been removed from Purga thanks to some of their friends being pulled into this world by the Altars." Phantasm said with a hiss as he wasn't happy that one of the Altars were activated by the disturbance of human life. Phantasm shook his head as crystals elevated in the air around them as they entered the main room, Phantasm looked at Grian seeing that he was awake but hidden by his wings, shivering and twitching. Such a pathetic sight, looked like an animal's last minutes in this world, Phantasm hoped the other sentinels had a plan for this bird brain.


"So Death mountains don't sound good whatsoever." Thunder said as he looked at the other before accidentally shocking himself with a little jolt of lighting, "Of course it doesn't, many have fallen to these mountains that's why it gets its name death mountain, I rather not make anyone bored with a history lesson." Logos said before looking up, seeing Mitosis and Vermilion talk lovingly towards one another, Logos looked away, not wanting to invade on anything personal.

"So like you guys said there were many latcher deaths in the area and it became cursed?" Niki asked to receive a few nods from the latchers but Paralysis didn't bother nodding his head as he looked into the ender dragon's eyes, whispering things to the dragon, "you stay here, protect the others, We'll be okay, don't worry~" Paralysis spoke to the dragon as he gently touched the side of the dragons face with his hand before he drew away his crimson hand letting it fall beside him. Paralysis shook his head getting vision to flash before his eyes, seeing storms of mainly as rain would guide him up the mountains as the rattling of chains echoed as saddles shocked around with each movement of the dragon's shoulders.

Rain and thunder would go hand in hand as the grounds became slick with mud as large paw prints would enter the grounds leaving a trail as hisses and crys would echo in the storm. A mask broken and shattered on the left side with glowing eyes looking through the cracks and three horns adorned the mask carved out of obsidian and emeralds. Wet ebony scales would shimmer in the lighting strikes as lights would flash a blinding glow in the sky as a kingdom would be barely visible in the lightling's grasp. A king banished to the outcast valley of the dead as greedy mortals that called themselves the legends took control only to be infected with the Purgan curse the king wished upon them.

Paralysis snapped out of his thoughts before placing a hand on his mask feeling the difference so clearly from old to new, from a rough rich mask to a blood wood flat mask with a smile full of venom and vengeance. Paralysis drew his hand away from his smooth flat mask as blood leaked from it, Sadness? Stress? Anger? It was hard to tell as Paralysis would stare blankly into the sky lost within the void of his mind as memories would cut into his throat like knives and razors.

"Is Paralysis okay?" George asked as Hal and Ceru looked towards Paralysis seeing his body beginning to contort as if something wanted to break free from it, Halcyon became frightened by this fast jolt like motions until it suddenly stopped as Paralysis closed his hand into a fist.

"Having a moment?" Dream questioned Paralysis just to see him nod his head, Dream huffed as he looked down at a compass seeing it point towards the mountains, the mountains of pain and death of many unfortunate latchers that were just trying to live their lives until the legends took control commanding the latchers like animals and wild animals. Dream's mind would fill with revenge knowing what needed to be done, kill Hero and free the souls of the damned. Then get out and run if that was an option for them.

"To the mountains we go, time to die WOO!" Sequoia snapped out loud heading off into the direction of the mountains of death. The other didn't follow as they looked at Paralysis and Dream waiting for their command. Dream just nodded and headed off without saying a word as Paralysis followed behind him in his shadow, a twisted shadow enriched with evil incarnate. Each step that was taken would grow a path of dread as Dream took the lead as Sequoia fell behind walking besides Spifey. Thoughts would burrow deep into peoples minds on how the fight would go, would Wilbur, Tubbo, and Sapnap transform into there Amalgam forms for this battle, will weapons be needed or where they gonna be tossed aside with a magical force, Techno would clutch his golden enchanted axe as he was ready to behead people.

Tapl, Mega, Spifey, plus the new quiet shy members of Finn, Zelk, Vurb, and Hyacinth would think of the blood that was going to be spilled if it was their's or not, how blood would this battle be and who was going to come out alive, would it be them or Hero. whose victory was this going to belong too. Mega wasn't sure if his sharp shooting abilities would come in handy as what he and the others have been hearing was that Hero wasn't much human with 25% of the Gaia's power flowing through his veins.

Dream placed a hand over his chest feeling the nether star pulse just below his hoodie, the pulses were slow and rhythmic but they stuttered and sped up with adrenaline as thoughts of death and losing those you love came into Dream's mind. Green eyes would glance at Paralysis, would this be the last time he see Pary, was he going to die or was Paralysis going to die, these thoughts taunted Dream for minutes as he walked this path of dread with his crew. Who was gonna die and who was going to live, will there be a happy ending or would all end in misery. Dream snapped free from his thoughts as he felt his hand become cold and he looked over at Paralysis seeing that the latcher was holding his hand, Dream wasn't sure if this was to calm him down or just to reassure him that everything was going to be okay. It helped in the end.

The chaos crew only continued their journey with the cold harsh wind howling like wolves toward the full moon as it dragged along with dread and darkened thoughts of death, the group only made wishes that they'll survive in the end. Survive to tell this tale to all as time would slip away like sand through someone's fingers as each step would bring them closer and closer to their final destination, The mountains of death. Eye would peer into the skies seeing the mountains form in the distance with its jagged toothed look showing that this wasn't a place you'd want to be hiking up to but the crew was going to do just that and risk it all to bring the light to those lost in darkness.

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