I turned around, hiding my quick breaths and sad eyes.
"The other two, they seemed hostile" She continued, mentioning Alex and Aidan as if the death of Sam was that forgettable.
"No" I responded, harshness in my voice as I defended them. They've been nothing but helpful. They're the only reason I'm was not a jumper. "They're great" I added, my mind spinning, where were they?
"Are they here too?" I asked as I turned back to face her.
She shook her head.
"We left them" She averted her eyes as she realised that Alex and Aidan where innocent. They weren't here. My disappointment shot through me.

I hoped they got out of there on time, or called the police as if they just found the body of Sam. The police would investigate, find the knife and the gun covered in my blood. They would eventually find more of my DNA deep in the woods. My death wasn't going to be ruled an accident now. I was obviously murdered, just like Sam.
My family will be devastated. Mr Andrews will be heartbroken. My mother will break down. My brother will blame himself for not being there when it happened. My father will go back to New York as fast as possible, to deal with things far away from the scene, from that town. My partners will probably sell the house.
All of that was hard to think about. Alex and Aidan would still thing that I was feral and will not look for me. Unless they think the people who kidnapped me didn't kill me.

"What is this place anyway?" I sat down at the end of the bed, admitting defeat. There was no reason to run from here just yet. I should decided to stay even if just for a day or two, to collect myself.
"It's like a camp, except much fancier" She answered as she leaned against the wardrobe.
I sighed as I looked down at my hands, stained with blood. Why was I here? Did they just rescue newborns? Why did they want me here?
"Look Lila, this place is good, you don't have to stay but I think it's better if you do"
She called me by my new fake name which made me chuckle. Her reasoning wasn't bad, it wasn't great either.
"How do you know my name?" I asked, as if I didn't know that there was a purse full of fake documents under that name. Still I wondered if they went through my house too, or was that too time consuming?
"What was your plan? After you faked your death and got a new name?" She asked, disregarding my question. She was smarter than she looked.
"Move to Alaska" I answered with an eye roll. It seemed like every time I said my plans out loud the further away I was from them.
"And then what?" She asked yet another question. I shrugged as I rubbed my bloody thumbs together.
"That doesn't sound like a plan" She continued, now distracting me with her mockery. I didn't need a plan, moving to a state far away from everything, things would just work out. I would get a job or live in the wilderness like an animal. I didn't care, all I wanted was to get away. I didn't want to worry about who wanted to kill or kidnap me.

"I get it now" She commented after a couple of seconds of silence. I glance at her and away from my hands. What did she get?
"You're smart, strong willed and strategic, like a feeder." She comments before continuing. "But you're also good at lying, reading people and concealing your true feeling, like a seeker. Then again you had three men ready to do anything to keep you safe, like a drainer" She came to her revelation and I smiled, I never thought about it that way, this explained why I was a hybrid. It also made me feel good about myself for a quick second before reality soured my mood again.

"Who are you?" I furred my eyebrows together as I looked for clues in her grey eyes.
"I'm Astrid, but everyone calls me Ash. what's your real name?" She asked after introducing herself.
"Brooklyn" I averted my eyes again as my name made my heart hurt.
"It's nice to meet you Brooklyn. Would you like a tour of the place?" She pushed herself away from the wardrobe and headed towards the door.
"Sure" I shrugged as I stood up.
"There are clothes in the wardrobe for you, I'll wait outside" She smiles and stepped out.
I peeled the blood soaked clothes off of my body and put on one of the simple sleeved black dresses that hung in the wardrobe.
Among other dark clothing, there were plenty of jewellery in small boxes and multiple pairs of the same kitten heeled shoes. Just like Astrid's. Apparently this vampire camp had a dress code.

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