Pick-up line contest- Mike x Reader X Vincent

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(Fuck that long title>:\ )

"Hey Mikey boy~!" Vincent said, smirking, while walking up to Mike.

"What the fuck do you want, Eggplant?" Mike said, clearly annoyed by the purple dude creeping it's way closer to him.

"I got a challenge~ Or maybe we can call it a contest, yeah, sound better~" Vincent said, now leaning on a wall close to Mike.

"Sure, sure, what's your stupid challenge?" Just as annoyed as before the man with scars on his head asked the purple man.

"First of all I said that it was a contest-"
"Just tell me already!" Mike cut Vincent off.

"Okay, okay.." Vincent rolled his white eyes at Mikes rudeness, "It's a pick-up line contest!" The human grape said with a stretched out, white, grin.

Mike nearly choked on his own saliva, "What?! No way I'm saying any pick-up lines to a fucking eggplant like you!"

"You ain't gonna say them to me!...Only to (Y/N)~" Vincent said, seeming annoyed at the first half of his sentence, but his grin coming back, more of a smirk at the end, knowing fully well that he had caught Mikes attention by using your name.

Mike looked at Vincent, slightly shocked, but his annoyance seemed to go away slightly. Now kinda interested in what his perverted, quote-unquote, friend had in mind.

"What's the rules..?"

"The one making (Y/N) blush the most today, by only using pick-up lines, wins~"

"You son of a bitch...I'm in"


"Hey (Y/N), you in here?"

"Yeah, what's up Mike?"

Mike walked up to you as you where doing the laundry.

"Have you seen my new shirt? Y'know the gray one?" Mike said, trying to hide a small smirk that was already playing on his lips.

"Oh, I think I have, do you want it now 'cause I think it's still kinda wet from the washing machine" You said, not looking over at Mike, sense you where still fixing the clothes.

"No, not really, but have you felt the material?"

"It's a weird question, but indeed I have, it's quite nice"

"You know what material it is?" Mike said, the smirk just growing bigger.


"Boyfriend material~" Mike now had the big smirk plastered on his face.

You looked at him, a small blush creeping it's way onto your face. You were a little shocked actually since Mike usually didn't say stuff like that.

Mike then made his way out of the room, a big proud smile now on his face. Walking by Vincent he stopped and whispered "Mike one, Eggplant zero"


"Hey (Y/N), I can't really remember, but are you from Tennessee?"

You looked up at the purple man that was standing a few feet away from you, a confused look on your face, "Vincent, you should know tha-"

"Cause you're the only ten I see~"Vincent said cutting you off with his signature smirk on his face.

Even though he usually flirted with you, and Scott as well at times, you still started to blush at most of his flirting towards you. It wasn't much, but you were blushing this time as well, which made Vincent's smirk grow even bigger, if it even could get bigger...


"SCOTT!" You shouted, running into his room and then into his arms, hugging him, hiding your face in his chest.

Scott, who was like a bigger brother to you, looked down at you confused, "(Y/N), what's going on? Is it Vincent? I swear to god if he has don-!"

"No, no, it's not him- well technically it is but that's not the real point right now..So it's like this, Mike and Vincent have been flirting and shit with me the whole day! AND I DON'T KNOW WHY!" You said, your head still in Scott's chest, making your words a bit muffled by his shirt.

Scott patted your back while chuckling slightly.

You looked from his chest, meeting his eyes (well meeting where his eyes should have been if he didn't have that telephone on his head) since he was still looking down at you. "What's so funny..?"

"Just that I overheard them talking about a 'Pick-up line contest', the one making you blush the most wins" Scott answered your question, a small grin playing on his lips (at least that was what you though, since you couldn't actually see his lips).

Then you got the perfect idea, "Scott, I'll be back".


You walked in to the kitchen seeing your eggplant, that was also called your friend, making some toast, not to your surprise.

"Damn your so handsome that I forgot my pick-up line!~" You said, a smirk on your face.

Vincent turned his head away from his toast to look at you with his white, lifeless eyes. A blush, just a small one, but a blush making its way to his cheeks.

As you walked out of the kitchen again you smirked to yourself. You didn't think that such a simple line like that one could make him blush, but it did.

All according to your plan.


It was now the end of the day, around 8:30 maybe, and the two guys had met up in Vincent's room. But what they didn't know was that they had someone listening to them from the other side of the bedroom door.

"So how many times did you get her to blush now, little Mikey boy?~ And remember, no cheating~" Vincent said, clearly thinking that he had already won with his signature smirk on his face just as usual.

"How many times do I need to tell you to stop calling me that?! But seven times I believe, which is way better tha-!"

"HA! I win! I got her to blush nine times!" Vincent yelled out in victory.

That's when you threw the door open with the proudest smile on your face, "No, you fuck-asses! I win! I made the both of you blush over eight times each, which means that if I put the eight times I got Grape to blush, and the eight times I got Scar-Face here to blush, I get sixteen times plus!"

Both of the guys looked dumbfounded, they looked at each other, then you, then each other again, and lastly back to you.

Then Scott came and saw the look on their faces, "So, I'll assume that you won?"


"Good job" Scott said giving me a high-five, the both of you walking away afterwards, leaving the guys there.

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