Drunk- Mike x Reader

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You where at a party that one of your best friends had dragged to. They went to many parties, while you rather just stay home by yourself. 

But today they had legit dragged you to the party! First they had dragged you out of your house to their car, then they drove to the party and they had dragged you inside.

And there was so many people there! You saw no one that you knew either! And you hated that fact cause you hated being around people, especially strangers!!

AND NOT ONLY THAT! But you had lost your friend just seconds after entering!! And you were too lazy to walk around looking for them, since you knew you weren't gonna find them because of the big amount of people there!

So you just decided to go to the bar instead. Just to sit down and chill, y'know.

You had promised yourself to not drink anything with alcohol in it, but you had broken that promise pretty quickly.

The bartender had said to you that you could have a drink for free after sitting there for like ten minutes, and you had thought 'Hey, it's just one drink, it can't hurt'. But after the first drink you wanted more. 


"Annother-*hiccup* -one pleassee~" You said, clearly drunk, to the bartender, who's name you had learned was Chris. "I think you already had enough-" Chris said back to you.

You groaned a little and laid your head on the counter in front of you.

Suddenly you hear that someone sits down next to you, so you look towards them. It was a man, tall and bald, looking like he's in his early twenties. Overall he was pretty good-looking, that was at least what drunk you thought. 

"One deer" You heard him say to a bartender. "H-Have you had much alcohol a-already?" The bartender, who at the moment had taken Chris' place,  asked shyly. He was most likely new to this job.

"I just fuckin' came here! What do ya think?!" The man yelled at the new bartender. 'Daamn.. He must be maaad..' You thought to yourself.

"Maaan~ Donn't be s-*Hiccup*-o ruude..~" You said the the man, which caught his attention.

"I say whatever the hell I want!" He yells back at you. 

You jump down from your chair and walk up to the man, hug him, "Yoou seem like-*Hiccup*-you have haad a rough day budddy~ Wanna talk aboout-*Hiccup*- it?" You ask him.

"You're drunk..But sure..." The man said as you stopped hugging him, going back to your original seat.

After that he told you about his rough day, well not only day- Week-  Wait no..His rough life overall. 

(Imma make a part two soon I think :))

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