Chapter 5: Fellow Survivors

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... 3 days later

It's been a lot of time now. All of them were living with Rebecca for now. Mr. Peterson tried sending help but with the military all around the city, it was almost impossible. Alex and Mathew still talked to Elena and Charlotte who were really worried for both of them. Alex usually texted Charlotte rather than calling her as the connection was really bad. He asked her about what all was going on in New York and what news did they get about New Jersey. He asked this because all the news workers were either dead or most presumably turned, so there was no source of information for them except Charlotte and PFC. Mr. Peterson told Alex that he have sent some soldiers to his building to protect it. Also four gaurds have been assigned to Charlotte and Elena.

A lot had changed in these three days actually. According to what Mr. Peterson told Alex, almost the whole of New Jersey would have to be infected by now. There were no signs of any survivors according to PFC's satellite. But they couldn't be sure as the military could have interfered with that too. Almost all the soldiers of PFC were supposed to be at the lab, but the lab was... well destroyed and any possible survivors of that blast were turned or killed by the zombies.

"Hey Rebecca listen, Nathan and I are going to find some food, you wanna tag along?" asked John

"No, I'm gonna stay here, if the spell breaks I need to be here to restore it."

"Oh right, you have to take care of all the... witchy stuff. Sam, Michael, Alex? What about any of you?"

"I guess I can come..." said Sam, "We would also need to look for supplies."

For the last three days, the three of them have been going to different grocery and medical stores (Whatever is left of them anyways) to pick up food, medicines, batteries, bandages, etc. They also went out to search for some of the herbs that Rebecca wanted and to see if they could find some ammo in some of the police departments, crashed police cars and houses of known drug dealers who were now dead. They couldn't find much but it was still more than what they had left... a lot more.

The three of them went to a medical store nearby. Half the medicines were fallen on the floor, some of them were still at the places where they were supposed to be. They even took the packets of energy drink powder and Gatorade bottles. They packed them all up and then started coming back. The whole place was a mess actually, the road from which they were coming. Some of the cars were burning, the others still had bodies inside of them and some of the cars just had parts of bodies like limbs, a leg, half an arm, a hand and even a... head. They saw a police car which was crashed on to a wall. Both the officers inside of it were dead. So John tried to take his pistol but as soon as he did that the officer on that seat held his neck and tried biting him.
"Holy f.......ish" screamed John as he jumped away from the car by making himself free of the zombie in some way. Luckily the zombie was stuck in the car due to the seatbelt. Nathn shot a bullet straight in his head.
"Man, you're getting good at this" said Sam

"Thanks mate" replied Nathan

"Shit, what the hell was that, I... I thought he was dead." Said John

"Well you were the one to tell me to 'Better look around'. Maybe you should focus on it too John"

"Ooookkkayyyyy, that's enough. Now let's just get out of here cause you just... shot him and you know they are attracted to noise too right?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Let's go now"

"Yeah I guess you're right. Hey but I guess that we could check at Amokulo's house. He used to be an arms drealer, so I guess that he could have weapons with him. Or atleast he could have ammo." Said Sam

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