Chapter 11:Hiastukos - 1

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It was 3:00 a.m. Alex was sleeping soundly in bed, with Charlotte beside him. He suddenly felt thirsty so he woke up to drink some water. He searched for the bottle at the table besides bed, but it wasn't there. So, although feeling lazy, heget off the bed and then headed to the kitchen to have some water. He turned on the lights of the kitchen, got a glass and poured water in it. He was just drinking water when he heard his car alarm go off. He went to the garage to check it and found out that there was nothing near the car. It felt weird because there was nothing near the garage or the car that could have set the alarm off. He thought that because he was very sleepy so he might have jest been hearing things. Anyways he went back to the bedroom to find out that Charlotte wasn't there. It would have been okay, except for the fact that there was blood on the bed and on the floor in front of the bathroom. He picked up his gun from the side table and then rushed into the bathroom. He found Charlotte, curled up with her head in her arms and back towards Alex. She was crying. The blood was on her arms and her neck. Alex didn't know what was happening, so he called her by her name. The crying stopped when she got up, her back still towards Alex. Alex put his gun down and was going to hug Charlotte until he heard something weird. There were clicking noises of teeth, then little growls and low screams from Charlotte. Alex picked his gun up as he thought that it might be someone else.

"Who are you? Where is Charlotte? Where is SHE!"

The girl turned and Alex was so horrified to see the face that his gun dropped on the ground. It was Charloote. The skin above her left lip was completetly gone, she had blood almost everywhere on her face. Her whole skin was rough and her eyes were... weird. Before Alex could say or do anything, Charlotte jumped on him and bit off his neck.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" screamed Alex, waking up from that dream.

"Whoa whoawhoa calm down mister, people are trying to sleep here." Said Mathew, yawning.

Alex saw that he was in the room of that school. And he was not alone, there were Mathew, John, Minoi and Andrew. He looked at the clock beside him and saw that it was 5:30 in the morning.

"Bad dream?" asked John

"Yeah, you got one too?"

"No, not today, but I get them most of the time. Remember that mission? The one PFC conducted a couple of hears ago?"

"Killing Al' Azar?"

"Yeah. Well I was in that. We killed thousands of his men before we reached him. Half of them were forced to be recruited. They were just fighting because if they didn't, Azar would have killed them. Now they didn't deserve to die, but we had to kill them because we had to reach Al' Azar. We had no choice. Now when the mission was over, I started getting haunted by dreams about mercilessly killing those innocent people, but we had no choice at that time. Those dreams, those screams, those faces... they still haunt me and most of my comrades who were there with me on that mission."

"Oh. Well I don't think this is what it is."

"Then did some of your loved one got hurt?"

"Yes... to be honest. Charlotte... she was sleeping beside me at one moment... and at the other she was there, feasting on me. She turned into one of the zombies. Her look... more like her condition it was just... terrible."

"Yeah, I got the same about my daughter. Though she didn't turn into a zombie, which I'm really thankful for,but my sister did. She was after my daughter and I could do nothing to save her as I was lying lifeless on the side."

"Oh my god... I'm so sorry"

"Good thing is thstit was just a dream. I love my little princess more than anything is this world"

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