Chapter 14: Quarrel

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A day has passed since the event with Terrance... and Matt. Matt, well let's just say that everyone has been kind of... mad at him.To be more precise, not everyone. Some of them still sided with Matt. They said that it's not that big a deal if he didn't tell everyone about the vault. They said that it was just a vault and with all the weird things going on right now, the vault might not be in the list of top 10 weirdest things happened with them. Everyone had dinner together, except Alex, Mathew, Rebecca and a dozen of soldiers who ate separately. Things were a little better after the breakfast .Everyoneof them (except the ones who were guarding the doors and boundaries of the school) were in the common room. But this was because Matt had called them about more survivors. Alex, Mathew and John sat at the end of the room, away from where Matt was speaking. Amy was still at the food counter(which was near the common room) and Rebecca was with her. Andrew was still with Minoi (others thought it would be best to leave him alone for some time).

"Good Morning everyone, so how are you all?" said Matt. There was an awkward silence as no one wanted to say anything. Matt continued, "Okay... So we have found a list of possible locations for survivors. The map would be shown to you soon. But before that I would like to inform you all that, well... we wont be able to... we won't save all of them."
"What?", "Is he mad?", "Looks like the man has lost his mind", "What the hell", "Dude, you okay?" and more things came out of the survivors' mouth.

"No... No guys he is right actually" said Amy

"WHAT?" said Rebecca "You are siding with him?"

"I'm not siding with him. I mean look at what happened yesterday. We sent our fifteen people to save some survivors and look at who the survivors were, an old man, and a little girl. The other one who could have fought with us was Terrance, but we all saw how he came out to be." Said Amy

"Well, we should go out for them you know. Maybe we will find more people like Terrance and they will tell us about more of the vaults that Matt might be hiding from us and we might even know if there are any more of the secrets."

"Alex I know you are mad at me, but I would really like it if you would think clearly. I mean this is a serious topic."

"Yeah whatever dude... I'm out of here." Said Alex rudely and he walked out of there.

"Hey dude, wait up" said John as Alex and Mathew went out of the room. But they didn't seem to care and they went away. Some of Matt's team mates saw that and started going away too. Matt knew that this was it. He felt humiliated and enraged by the fact that Alex just might be messing up their group there, which he was to be honest.Matt went after Alex. John, Amy and a couple of their survivors went to the place.

"Hey Alexi!" screamed Matt

Alex stopped, turned and then by looking at Matt with his eyes full of rage said, "Do... Not... Ever... Call... Me THAT"

"But you wouldn't listen to me."

"Why should I?"

"Man it was just a goddamn vault"

"First of all it isn't just a goddamn vault as you have not told us about this yet. I mean what is with all the secrecy huh? Why cant you just tell us about what is inside that vault. And DON'T you dare tell me it was just an ordinary vault. Terrance specifically mentioned it, and if we hadn't stopped him he was probably going to go on about the vault because there is definitely something in that."

"I... I cant tell you about it"

"So what? I mean, are you a part of the military too? I mean what... what is with the secrecy?"

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