Chapter 4: Alpha And The Origin

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"I'm a WITCH" replied Rebecca
"I never... believed in... witches. But seeing you do... whatever you did right now, I don't know what to say" said John

"I have so many questions right now, but first can you please help Alex? Please" pleaded Mathew

"Yeah don't worry I will. Just let me go get some herbs"

Rebecca went to her kitchen and Mathew could see her taking some leaves out of a jar and then he saw her making a paste out of it. John was looking out the window, seeing the zombies getting burnt in the fire ring. Sam was just sitting in a corner mourning over Monrad. The witch came with the paste. She applied it on Alex's wounds ad then spoke a spell, "Eominyjohole Helkjiealumonaeste"

They were shocked to see that his leg was recovering, it was not as good as it was before but it was fine for him for the rest of their journey. Although they didn't know what their journey was now.

"Oh my god, Thank you so much Rebecca" said Alex

"Thank me when we find a way to get out of this mess." Replied Rebecca

"Hey... ummm... Rebecca? A blast from the missile should have killed us all... but only Monrad died. Did you save us?" asked Sam

"Yeah I did. I was far from you guys at that time. I could not have saved all the six of you even if I wanted to from such distance. I had to leave someone out and so I left your friend Monrad."

"But why? What had he done"
"What had he done? How do you think the military came to know about you all? There were only six of you apart from PFC who knew about the zombies and you all were trying to escape. I don't know why but for some reason the military wants us not to leave this place. My friend, she hacked into their server for some time. She found out that someone named Monrad had texted them about all this. And for some reason the military doesn't want us to leave. They found out about my friend too, you want to know what they did? They blew up her house. Even if the missile wouldn't have killed him, I would have."

"I... why should I trust you?"

"Cause I just saved your freaking lives!"

"But... it just doesn't add up... if Monrad helped them, why would the military fire at us knowing he was there?"

"Do you really think they would have cared? They would have killed him even if they saved all of you because for them he would be just a lose end."

"I... I can't believe it, I trusted him. John?"

"I'm speechless mate... I... really don't know what to say" replied John

"Man I... Oh... looks like the network services are online somehow. I need to call Mr. Peterson" said Alex

Alex calls Mr. Peterson while Nathan and Mathew saw out the window that the zombies were going back now. That they were not being burnt anymore as they didn't enter the ring of fire. John was there with Sam, both of them trying to figure out why would Monrad do that. Why would he betray them like that. They had too many questions, all of them did. Rebecca was just practicing some spells from an old jornal.

"What is it Alex? And where are you, shouldn't you be in the helicopter? And why aren't they responding?" said Mr. Peterson as he got connected to the call

"I'm... in a witch's house. The help you send... it was destroyed by the military."


"Yeah, we can't believe it too, looks like Monrad told them about our location and from what it seems, the military wants us to be stuck here."

"What? But... wait... what the hell"


"I just saw the news. The military... it has surrounded all the exits of New Jersey. They aren't letting anyone in or out. Oh My God. What are we gonna do?"

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