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We cleaned up after breakfast, and I went to go take a quick shower.

I walked upstairs and got my clothes from Cameron's room and went in to his shower.

I pretty much just washed my hair and face really well because I had a lot of hairspray and make-up on.

I sang to myself slowly in the shower, because let's be real, you are lying if you say you don't sing in the shower.

Recently, shawn came out with a song called Life Of The Party, and it has been stuck in my head for days.

I got out of the shower and cleaned all of the dripping mascara under my eyes causing me to look like a raccoon.

I blow dried my hair, and re- applied my everyday make-up.

I put on a pair of shorts and my crop top with my red vans.

I walked downstairs and everyone was sitting in a circle looking at me.

"Did I miss something?" I asked with a giggle.

"This is not a laughing matter sweet cheeks" Nash said sassily.

"Sit" Cameron said patting the seat beside him.

"What's going on?" I asked

"You are having an intervention" Sammy said flipping his left leg on his right thigh and resting his hand on his chin.

"Why?" I carried on.

"You have been lying to us about something that effects your life" Sarah added.

"What are you talking about! I have never lied to any of you! I mean I did to Cameron when I kissed that guy yesterday... But yea" I giggled and Cameron looked at me with wide eyes.

"IM KIDDING" I laughed leaning in to his shoulder but everyone was still serious.

"You guys aren't joking are you?" I said looking down.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Cameron piped up.

"Tell you what?" I said with a shaken voice and I felt a tear build up in my eye.

"You sing." Nash stated causing my head to fling up.

"What?" I flinched. "I don't sing!" I said

"We heard you in the shower, you were really loud but also really good!" Jasmine said with a sweet voice.

"I- I don't sing though. Only the shower" I insisted.

"WE NEED TO HOOK YOU AND SHAWN UP!" Nash said getting excited.

"I mean not hook you up but like- you know what I mean!" He laughed

"Whatever" I said flipping my hair.

"You were actually amazing babe" cameron said pulling me in and placing a soft kiss on my cheek, causing me to blush.

"Awe hashtag relationship goals!!" Sarah squealed.

"I'm excuse me.... FIANCÉE" Sammy snapped acting serious trying to hold in the laugh.

"Oh yea, I forgot about you!" She laughed

And we all joined in.

"GUYS." Jasmine said slamming her hands on the floor.

"WHAT." Nash said mocking her with a laugh.


I suddenly got tense. I hate roller-coasters.

"DEAL! IM STARTING THE CAR!" Cameron yelled running out the door, followed by everyone else.

I guess we are going, this is gonna be terrible.

I walked out, locking the door behind me.


We jumped in to the Car, me driving, rebecca beside me, Sammy behind me, Sarah next to him, and in the back Jasmine and Nash.

"ERR BODY IN THE CLUB GETTIN TIPS!" We all sang/yelled as we drove.

I looked over at Rebecca, she was biting her nails and playing with her hair.

Something's not right..
We pulled in to the parking lot and got out of the car.

We all bought our tickets and walked in the park.

I took Rebecca's hand as we walked through the park to find a ride.

She was literally shaking as we walked through the line for the new coaster.

"Guys go ahead, Rebecca and I are gonna skip out on this one" I said

"You sure?" Sammy said before I nodded and they kept going.

I walked over to a bench and sat down.

"Why did you wanna get out of line?" She asked.

"Because I know you don't like roller coasters, I remembered" I smiled.

"I didn't want to ruin the mood" she said

"I'd rather you be happy then, me be having fun without you" I said

She flashed me a smile.

"Thanks" she said

"Okay, so what do you want to do?" I asked her

"I want to play a game" she said in a baby voice


"UMM" She hummed

We started walking towards one of the game booths.

We played a game that you had to throw a tennis ball in a bucket.

Rebecca couldn't get the ball in, so I tried.

1st shot in.

2nd shot in.

3rd shot in.

"CAM YOU WON!" Rebecca said jumping up and down hugging me.

"You win one of the big prizes from the top. The worker said with the laziest voice ever.

"The big pink bear please." I asked

"Here you go sir" he said in a monotone voice.

"Here becca boo" I said handing her the bear as we walked away.

"AWH seriously our relationship is so picture perfect." She giggled in a sarcastic voice.

I kissed her on the cheek, but she turned her head and my lips landed on hers.

"Eww girls have coodies!" I squealed causing her to laugh.

We walked around more and decided to go get some pizza.

We got a small pepperoni pizza and shared it, of-coarse it was all finished.

We literally ate five pieces each.

Yup now I feel great, note the sarcasm.

Guess I'm not going in any rides.

We walked back to the roller coaster exit to wait for the guys and girls when we saw something. Shit

Rebecca hid behind me and I tried to cover her but we were clearly un-successful.

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