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(Go to 'thirdly' to get straight to the point of this note)

So guys I just wanna throw it out there that I'm am in no way ready to stop writing this book, even if it seems that I am not motivated to continue. I just have a couple things I need to talk about.

First off, I appreciate each and everyone of you that read this book your voting and commenting does not go unnoticed. I enjoy reading all of your comments and it really puts a smile on my face to see that people appreciate my hard work. So thank you!

Secondly, WE REACHED 25k and that's fricken AMAZING.

Thirdly, this question is very important so please please please help me with this decision for the future of the book. Please comment whether you would prefer;

A- Stop this book at 100 chapters and write a sequal


B- instead of stopping at 100 chapters just keep writing and not have a sequal (basically what would be a sequal would just be in this exact book)

If you have any questions or concerns about these optionsw, if something is not clear feel free to DM me!

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