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I gotta do something with my life, sitting here waiting for her, is no use.

I get up and get dressed and decide on going out to a local bar to 'mingle' I guess.

I put on a polo top and jeans and grabbed my keys before leaving.
I went out to my car and began to drive.
I gotta put myself out there and just realize that there are other fish in the sea.

I don't want to even think about it, let alone embrace it, but I'm single now and like the slogan says, I gotta mingle.


Shawn and I were walking through the mall hand in hand when a bunch of girls ran up to us.

"Oh my god Shawn, I love you so much can we take a picture?" One of them said.

"Yea" he smiled and knelt down for a selfie.

He's just so damn tall.

All of the girls were pretty nice, we were just talking in the middle of the mall.

The crowd got a bit bigger as more girls surrounded us.

"Shawn who is that girl?" A bunch of people yelled out.





Bunch of girls were yelling.

"Guys calm down" Shawn said and he quickly took my hand as I was silent.

"Rebecca did not cheat on anyone just leave our situation alone please, respect our privacy" he said and the crowd calmed down.

"Are you and her dating?" A girl ask furiously.

"Her, has a name. It's Rebecca actually, and yes we are dating" I yelled to whomever it was and I stormed off.

The girls chased after me but I just ignored them and found a bench and eventually they just left.

My phone started blowing up with notifications.

People even took videos of the whole altercation. Ridiculous.

I felt presence of someone sitting beside me so I turned around and politely said "please leave me alone"

"I see how it is" I opened my eyes and Shawn was smiling.

"Why can't people bud out of my life and just leave me alone" I said and Shawn pulled me in to his side and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Girls are stupid sometimes, you will eventually just get used to it honestly." He kissed my forehead.

"Let's not ruin our day okay?" he stood up and held out his hands.

I grabbed them and he pulled me up.

"Just need a hug?" He asked and I hugged him.

I kissed him and we kept walking but I lost all motivation to shop.

"Let's go get some Starbucks them we will go, alright?" Shawn said and we walked across the mall.

We got our drinks and some wraps and then walked back to the car and drove home.


I was sitting down sipping on cold glass of coke because I don't drink and my phone started buzzing like crazy.

I unlocked it and my Twitter feed was all a bunch of videos and pictures.

I clicked on one of the videos.

"...her, has a name. It's Rebecca actually, and yes we are dating"
Rebecca said in the video.

'What the fuck' I thought to myself.

Then there was a picture of Shawn and Rebecca kissing.

My fists clenched I could just strangle anything.

"Whatever" I said. "Screw it"

"Can I get 6 shots of grey goose vodka?" I asked the waiter.

He came back shortly after and I just downed them all one after another. Feeling a pain go down my throat each time.

By the third round I was completely toast.

All I remember was sitting there with a bunch of random people, and so much booze open and half finished.

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