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"Becca c'mon we gotta go to the airport" Cameron grabbed my hand hand helped me stand up.

"But I'm tired" I whined.

"Let's go or else" he smirked.

"Oh Jesus no." I knew exactly what that meant.

"DUNNA NUNNA NUN" he yelled and he grabbed me and flung me over his shoulder.

"Nice ass" I said smacking his butt.

"You too" he punched my butt.

"Ow that hurt" I hit his back.

"Your a baby, c'mon we are gonna miss our flight" he put my down and he grabbed his luggage.

"Fine" I pouted and I grabbed my luggage.

We walked out to the front and got in to a taxi, making our way to the airport.



"Cam can you please make me some bacon and make me a vanilla milkshake" Rebecca asked me while sitting on the couch.

"Why don't you make it" I laughed beside her.

"Why don't you ever do anything for me" her voice go pitchy and unsteady.

"Are you crying over bacon, I was joking" I started laughing.

"Stop laughing" she cried even more.

"Okay I will make it, just wait" I got up and walked over to the kitchen.

She wiped her tears. "Yay!" She cooed.

What is going on.. She has been so moody lately and then boom she gets happy.

I made her food and drink and she was eating.

A little while after she piped up again.

"Wanna go for burgers?" She got all excited.

"You just had half a pack of bacon and a milkshake, you being serious?" I giggled.

"Completely serious" she said with a straight face.

"Alright I guess, go get your shoes on." I said confused.

I ran upstairs and got my wallet I ran back down and Rebecca was sleeping on the couch.

I smiled and grabbed a blanket and draped it over her.

I walked up stairs and decided on taking a nap.

So much for burgers?

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