Chapter 2: An unexpected visit

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Chapter 2: An unexpected visit

Chapter 2: An unexpected visit

Danielle had just started eating dinner when someone knocked at the door. Frightened, she dropped her fork. Picking it up, she hesitantly walked to the door. She wasn't expecting anybody and there weren't any neighbors. Who could it be?

Her hand wrapped around the door knob and as she slowly opened it. Before her stood a man. A very attractive one. It was raining outside and he was all wet. Danielle was surprised by a clap of thunder and the man laughed.

« Don't be scared, I just wanted to introduce myself. I got curious. I thought this house was abandoned but clearly you're here so... »

Danielle kept quiet. She was half behind the door, ready to shut it close. She was supposed to be alone. Where did that man come from?

« -Alright, my name's Sam. This is my number. If you need anything, just call me. I know it can get very lonely very fast around here. »

He gave Danielle a piece of paper, and left. Danielle had thought he would maybe try to come in or insist she gave him her phone number, but had he just left. She hadn't had time to pronounce a single word.

She saw Sam getting in his car and driving past her house. He winked at her on the way then turned his head to look at the road.

How come all these years Danielle had never known that there was somebody else living next to the house? Her mother had never mentioned any neighbors. Where was his house exactly? Danielle closed the door carefully. She hadn't even heard Sam's car parking in front of her house.

Danielle went to bed. It had been a very long day. First, she had woken up early to get ready. Then she had had to eat with Nicole and Steve. And finally, she had driven herself here. She hadn't taken a break even though it was a five hours drive. She had been so scared to arrive at night time. Now what? She was alone in a house in the middle of the forest. She had lost the keys to said house after less than an hour of arriving.

It was important to think about what she would do next. Danielle had to find some inspiration. Writing was her passion and she wouldn't give up so easily. She just had to find a story. She had done it in the past, she could do it again. She had to be determined.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Danielle woke up feeling unwell. She had been at the chalet for about a week and had gotten sick. It was only a cold but Danielle felt even more defeated than before she came here. Her throat hurt. She was sneezing all the time. She kept drinking hot teas in hope of getting better but it did nothing for her.

Danielle tried to go back to sleep. It appeared to be the only solution. Her head ached, her stomach too, and she was bored. She didn't have a TV and only had a poor internet connection. She couldn't even distract herself with a movie.

As Danielle closed her eyes, she heard some footsteps by the window. She reopened them quickly and walked to the window. There wasn't anybody outside. It could have been an animal, a deer for instance, but Danielle didn't see anything, so she got back to bed. The covers provided her with a comfortable warmth. There hadn't been anybody in this house for so longue, everything was cold. And with the night coming, the temperature had dropped several degrees. Danielle felt chills run down her back. She had a fever and was starting to shake. Now she regretted coming to this house. She was sick and hadn't gotten any inspiration for her book yet.

She was ready to give up.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Danielle felt better when she woke up the next day. She was still a little cold, but better. She put on her coat and decided to go for a walk in the woods. For once, it wasn't raining outside. Danielle had to take this opportunity.

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