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Jorden Pov 

I thought I'd never find happiness again after the death of my parents. But that all changed when Udo asked me out on a date. Why didn't I notice it before how beautiful those snowy covered wings glistened in the wind so effortlessly. How the high ridges of his cheek bones made him look fierce or this kind smile. The way his eyes mesmerized me. Captured my attention until I blushed an embarrassing bright flush. 

After several dates and three months later he gifted me a fairy ring. This symbolized our engagement. and two weeks later I was getting ready to marry Udo. 

I liked the practicality and simplicity of the ring and what in symbolized to me

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I liked the practicality and simplicity of the ring and what in symbolized to me. 

Wedding Catastrophe 

The boar of bad news 

Apparently the day of the wedding started off great. Scratch that almost great. However the day before well, Bora had a sending off party for Udo and lets just say he got Udo drunk for the record and I'm surprised to say that Shrike acted way more tolerable of Bora then I. I was fuming when I found out. That stupid Boar mixed fairy beers again trying to prove a point. Oh, I wanted to rip those pointy ears off of him. 

The elder to marry us looked like she'd whack the both of them. Connal had to practically drag a half drunken Udo with him to the reception. Bora flew haphazardly in the sky behind Connal. Him I could kill. The thought of him disappearing made me smile deviously. A girl could dream. 

A healer came and offered Udo an ailment, I prayed it worked. And I was relieved that I did. Udo sprung to attention smelling heavily of beer. And had the nerve to smile as me. 

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Eh, Not your average wedding dress but mom was a rebel. In case anything went wrong she wanted a dress that not only looked beautiful but also comfortable enough to fight in. This was a nice choice. Ini my sister said I looked Beautiful. 

Before I knew it I was married to the man I loved. Udo now smelt strongly of mint with a hint of fairy beer still lingering. I wasn't mad anymore. But still if he ever blindly trusts Borra again I'll kill him and make it look like an accident. 

Time Skip 

I never thought of myself as a mother but. The thought of which excited me. Udo and I have been talking about little feet running around the nest for a while now. And today I went to the healer because I've been having back pain lately. She gave me the most exciting news ever that I was pregnant. When I told Udo he embraced me tightly before literally leaping for joy and howling like a crazy person. But tragically  I lost the baby. I was so devastated wondering what went wrong. That I almost lost it. Had Udo not been there I would've curled up into a ball of despair. I had carried the baby for a few months when only two moths in. I lost the baby, the healer let me hold my baby it was so tiny, no bigger than a raspberry. The healer said it was a girl and we named her Joy. Because she brought us so much joy. 

The healer told me that I couldn't have children. Not because I was with a fey but because my body was incapable of carrying babies long term. I cried so much for one whole month I refused to leave our den. I was so devastated. It took the encouraging words of my mate Udo and the loving words of my sister and the push from the elders of my tribe to get back into society instead of shutting myself away. I was told that sometimes even Fey women couldn't bare children either so it wasn't uncommon or unheard of which made me feel less alone. 

I met many women who all had experiences like me. It brought me peace of mind that I wasn't alone on this island. That I wasn't the only one that was going through this. Me and Udo grew closer to each other as a whole even more. I'm so glad I had Udo by my side through all of this. For good and for bad> I loved him. 

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