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Jordan pov

When I was five dad fell in love with another dark fey named Athena. She was rather nice and all, but her daughter was another story she was seven, two years older than me. Her name was Ini.  I've been in this cave for three years now, everyday since we arrived I missed the vastness of the desert, the one that I was born into. 

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She always smiles at me but I know she secretly despises me unlike her mother who absolutly adores me

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She always smiles at me but I know she secretly despises me unlike her mother who absolutly adores me. Ini and the other fey can't stand the sight of a human living amongst them. No one dares to cross my father though, at least not yet... I was cleaning the rug Ryn had given us when I heard Ini snarl in disgust. 

Ini pov 

I never wanted another sister! And a human no less, ugh! Why couldn't you just.... ENOUGH INI! Screamed mom in annoyance. You will take your little sister and show her around the cave am I understood! Snapped mom, her hands on her hips as she glared at me. I rolled my eyes in defeat before giving her answer... Fine, c'mon brat lets go! I practically growl out at the startled five year old hume. She looks around to my mother who just urges the horrid thing to follow me. I hate my life... I make it outside our abode and turn around to see a scrawny little thing catch up to me. Finally I breathe out, I see mom go back into the thorny hut of a home. Here's my chance to ditch her I thought. I don't want to carry her everywhere I go. 

Jorden pov 

I heard Ini complaining again about how  miserable I make her life, how I'm a scrawny brat, how she never wanted her mother to marry my father... Etc. Today Ini's mom finally convinced via threated to take me along with her, via give me a tour of the cave.. Yeah right like she'd do it willingly I thought. I made my way though warily out of the hut and into the dry desert biome we now call our home. The hot sand beneath my bare feet, it feels so good. Hurry up! I heard Ini bark. Gee, ain't she so demanding. I walk up to her and walk by her side as she gives me the whole yada yada... She strained her wing and she can't afford to carry me crap. So I play along until Borra shows up, that is.. He's kind of a bully to me, Ini just pretends to stop him, but like I stated earlier she doesn't care. Well well, if it isn't the little wren. C'mon Ini lets go, the groups waited long enough. You can bring the brat along too. He snarled at me. Borra! she said upset. Trust me she'll never forget it. he said. That's okay Borra I.. ahhhhh! I screamed as Borra snaked me off the ground. 

Borra deposited me in a clearing somewhere in the Jungle biome. When I looked back I saw Ini not far behind, she looked upset. Geez, what's new... Borra left to go get their friends, after a while he came back with three other fey in tow. Conall a forest fey, he's the only one in the group that's kind to me. Then there's Shrike a jungle fey, she doesn't like me much cause I'm human. She blames my kind for running her out of her home. Can't say that I blame her much... Then there's Udo the tundra fey... He doesn't like me either but tolerates my presence. I mean for the most part at least anyways. Borra bullies me and Ini doesn't say anything to her mom about it. They're both desert fey. 

Time skip

Hey Ini I don't know how to get back on my own. That's not my problem that's a you problem. She replied arrogantly. I was left alone in the middle of the jungle biome, in the tall lush grassy ground below. I knew something bad was gonna happen today... Somewhere along the way back home I wound up on the edge of a cliff, down below lied the desert biome. 

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Ini What were you thinking leaving your sister alone! She could've gotten seriously hurt! Yelled Athena enraged. But Mom! Don't try and make excuses for yourself Ini. My patience for that is very thin. Warned Athena as she stared at Ini in disappointment. In the healers room laid a hurt Jorden who was badly cut up due to the fall she took from the cliff. Her arms were badly cut up along with her right knee that she skid on the rigid wall. 

How many times have I told you to never go out to the cliffs alone

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How many times have I told you to never go out to the cliffs alone. Said Halkar. I'm sorry dad it was an... Jorden stared at Ini, if she told the truth, would her father love Ini  less because of this... It was, um.... My fault sorry, Ini told me too stay near the group and I got distracted it wasn't her fault... Jorden lied to her father. Halkar sighed out in disappointment knowing full well why she was lying, before walking outside to join his wife. 

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