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A long long time ago before the dark fey were forced into hiding, fleeing to their cavernous home of origin, when some still roamed the Earth that we call home, there in the vastness of the desert lived a hidden tribe of nomads constantly moving. This is where our story begins... There was a young woman and her husband the leader, a kind hearted man.. His wife was pregnant with their first child, the tribal elder believes the babe to be a girl... The parents are thrilled when several months later a young girl arrives into the coolness of night underneath the dusk sky of the vast desert that surrounds them. Their peace however will sadly not last as by dawn their camp was invaded by a vast army from a neighboring village just because they could, it was utterly barbaric, one could even called it savage. None of the men could bring themselves to kill the poor crying mess that was the baby, so they left her in the ruins of what was once a prosperous and thriving camp. A lone dark fey was flying home when his sharp sensitive hearing picked up the sound of strained crying he felt pity for whomever it was and went to go see what exactly was causing so much noise. As he got closer however he soon realized this was once a human settlement, and by the looks of it a settlement that was movable now it just seemed barren, forgotten. The young man ventured further as he followed the noise to a tent by the looks of it, something really bad happened  to this place as blood still lingered in the air stained onto the fabric of the tent, the tent itself looks like it has seen better days as it was savagely ripped open. The young fey peeked his head in carefully maneuvering his horns and avoiding ripping the already tattered tent, one more rip and the seam of the tent would unravel is what he feared. The strained crying continued but as he got closer and dark fey met human eyes the crying soon subsided as the young baby reached out her tiny hands in a universal sign to be picked up, even cooing at the now perplexed look of the fey. The young fey didn't have the heart to leave the poor defenseless babe in the middle of the desert so he carefully picked up the tiny bundle in his arms and flew away with the baby back to his home, a baby he named Jorden...

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