Chapter 416 - 420

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This time, she really would not be able to continue with her studies at The High School Affiliated to Renmin University of China if the truth came to light.

She swore to heaven that if Qiao Nan was willing to help her tide through this occasion, she would definitely treat Qiao Nan as her next-of-kin and be extremely good to her. She would not talk bad about Qiao Nan in front of her mother again or plot against Qiao Nan anymore.

At this juncture, Qiao Zijin realized that the only people who would forgive her again and again regardless of the situation were these few next-of-kin of hers.

She did not wish to be given a written warning or be expelled from the school. If Qiao Nan admitted that she was dating Sun Lei and was the one who wrote all these letters, then she would be able to safely pass this hurdle.

In this way, no matter how unhappy Sun Lei was, he would only vent all his frustration on Qiao Nan and would only scold Qiao Nan.

When that time came, she just had to give Sun Lei a few words of comfort and fawn on him a little. This matter would then come to a closure.

Qiao Nan and Sun Lei were not schoolmates. Qiao Nan would not be able to hear Sun Lei scolding her. Hence, Sun Lei’s words would have no impact on her at all. It was different for her. She and Sun Lei were not only schoolmates but also classmates.

Therefore, all of Sun Lei’s resentment and anger must be targeted at Qiao Nan.

Qiao Nan’s grades were so good anyway. Even if she was truly involved in a romantic relationship, Ping Cheng High School would not give up such a good student. Besides a few words of scolding, Qiao Nan would not lose anything else.

In actual fact, it was not that difficult for Qiao Nan to help her and be the scapegoat.

They were biological sisters, right? Qiao Nan would definitely help her on this occasion, right?

“What are you doing?!” Before Qiao Zijin could receive a definite answer from Qiao Nan, Zhu Baoguo jumped in immediately and gave an extremely hard slap on Qiao Zijin’s hand that was gripping the back of Qiao Nan’s hands. “Let go of Xiao Qiao! Don’t hold on to her right at this moment as if you are pleading her! What do you mean by this?!”

“Nan Nan, come here.” Qiao Dongliang’s face was sullen. Puppy love! What a serious matter!

In the face of major issues regarding right and wrong, Qiao Dongliang was not willing to give up on Qiao Zijin umpteen times, so why would he give up on Qiao Nan now?

Before Qiao Nan could react, Qiao Dongliang was already acting like a cow shielding his calf, pulling Qiao Nan to his side. “Nan Nan, stand beside me.” Having that said, Qiao Dongliang even swapped places with Qiao Nan and used himself as a barrier between Qiao Nan and Qiao Zijin.

As biological sisters of the same family, Nan Nan could help Zijin in all matters.

Zijin did not differentiate between the good and the bad. She was always together with Wang Yang. Nan Nan certainly should warn Zijin about Wang Yang’s character, and Zijin should not be too close with him. If Zijin committed any wrongdoing, Nan Nan not only had to testify against her. As a family, the more she should not give up on Zijin, her sister. Before Zijin changed for the better, she should lend her a helping hand when Zijin encountered difficulties.

But this did not mean that Nan Nan should step forward to be Zijin’s scapegoat when Zijin committed wrongdoing and dared not bear the responsibility for her own actions.

This was not helping Zijin but indulging and covering up for her!

In the end, Qiao Zijin’s hand not only held on to nothing but was also hit by Zhu Baguo. Ding Jiayi was full of heartache as she quickly held Qiao Zijin’s hand and blew on it.

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