Chapter 29

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"Mia! Could you please get up!" A frustrated Sky tugs my duvet covers.
"Is Dan here?" I moan.
"No, now get up and take a shower, you need one." She sighs.
"Wake me up when this is all just a horrible nightmare," I moan louder.
The last few days have been hell. Cooped up in my room with my current diet of fingernails and tears.
"Mia. Just, move. It's not healthy to be trapped here for days. You need some air." My best friend reminds me.
She's right, as usual. I drag myself to the bathroom and lean over the sink.
I look up in the mirror, but seeing Dan's face stare back at me.
Tears spring to my eyes and I bury my head in my hands in shame.
Sky leans on the doorframe and gives me a sympathetic rub on the back.
"I miss him," I whisper.
"He misses you too, you know," Sky whispers back.
I scoff.
"As if. He's the one who said we needed a break," I remind her.
"I called Micky today. He says Dan's a mess."
A flicker of hope calms the flow of my tears.
"This break is probably good for you two," she says reassuringly, "when this is over, Dan will realise how much he really loves you."
I look up in the mirror again and see myself. Well, a creature that looked a bit like myself. To be honest, I resembled the grudge.
I take deep breaths trying to digest the information Sky gave me.
Just one more question...
"Updates on the bitch?" I ask.
I feel Sky tense.
"She's been uh... hanging out with Greg lately... according to Micky," she says slowly.
I nod.
"C'mon Mia. Get yourself together. I've made breakfast. You need to eat out of bed this time." Sky says.
"Wait," I call before she leaves, "Sky, thank you."
She smiles and gives me a hug.
She leaves and I sort myself out. Everything is going to be okay, I tell myself.
All of a sudden, guilt starts to creep up on me again.
Dan's a mess too? It's all my fault. Everything is my fault!!!

"I want to see him," I say over breakfast.
Sky's eyebrows fly up.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" She asks slowly.
"I NEED to see him," I insist.
I feel like my relationship with Dan is slipping away from my grasp faster than a bar of wet soap.
"Mia, just think about this for a second-" Sky begins.
"I can't Sky!" I say cutting her off, "I can't think of ANYTHING except for him right now,"
Sky gives me a thoughtful look before reaching for her cell on the table.
I watch as she presses a few buttons and gives me the phone.
She gestures me to take it.
'Calling... Micky' flashes on the screen.
I take it carefully and press it against my ear.
Sky quietly gathers the plates and leaves me with some privacy.
The other end of the line picks up.
"Hey babe, not a good time. Dan's practically half dead. He's not eating and not moving. Dan! Can you please move or say something." Micky's voice pours out of the phone.
I choke back a sob.
"Dan?" I manage to say before a tear rolls down my cheek.
"Mia?" Micky gasps.
"Mia?" I hear Dan's faint voice.
"Um..." Micky says awkwardly, "I think I better take this outside."
I hear a door close and Micky starts talking again.
"Hey Mia, how have you been?" He says softly.
"I need Dan," I beg.
"He's not in the best shape at the moment," he says.
"Micky. I NEED him. I miss him. So much." I say through tears.
"He misses you too," Micky reassures me
"Then please? Is it okay if I come over?" I whisper weakly.
"I don't think it's a good idea. Dan's not exactly in proper human condition right now." Micky says trying to comfort me.
I sigh with defeat.
"Okay, thank you Micky. Please just tell him I miss him so much. And if he's willing to give me the chance, I promise to not mess things up." I plead.
"Of course Mia. Take care," Micky replies before hanging up.
I wipe my tears and lie my head on the table.
Sky comes back into the room and wraps and arm around me.
"What have I done?" I ask her.



Thanks to everyone who requested oneshots but HOLY CRAP YOU GUYS HAVE SENT US SO MUCH, I'm literally still trying to collect them all in. We will do all the requests (except for ones that already have had oneshots written for them in the past already, I’m so so sorry there is actually way too many) But warning it will take us a long time, like no joke you guys have sent us so much!

Once your oneshot has been written and posted, we will let you know via Wattpad or Tumblr on the account you sent your oneshot request in.

Thanks guys! But please be patient! We'll try to finish the oneshots as quickly but as quality as we can. x

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