Chapter 22

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"I don't get it!" Greg groans disappointedly as he slams the front door closed behind him.

"I'm sorry to hear that mate, but I mean, there's still plenty of fish in the sea right?" Dan reassures him with a pat on the shoulder, chuckling a bit at his cheesy sentence.

"I don't know, I just thought there was something different about her," he shrugs.

"I'm sorry Greg," I say genuinely, giving him a comforting hug. "I'll try talk to her to see what went wrong, maybe she'll give you another chance,"

Greg pulls away from our hug. "Yeah, whatever, she probably won't give me another chance," he says quietly, all choked up.

He pushes his way past me and Dan, and we watch as he walks into the recording studio and locks himself in there.

"I hate seeing Greg like this," I mumble quietly to Dan. I've never seen Greg so down and devastated.

Dan sees my expression and engulfs me in a tight hug.

"Yeah, he's completely shattered," he trails off the end of the sentence.

"I've gotta find out what happened, Kalia just has to give him a second chance, whatever it takes," I say more confidently now, as Dan nods in approval, giving me a light kiss on the forehead.

I pull out my phone to call Kalia, walking into the guest bedroom for a bit of privacy. What do I even say to her though?!

I start panicking, but the other line picks up, leaving me with no time to think.

"Hey Mia," she says cautiously.

"Hey Kal, are you alright?" I ask as a result of panicking. Who am I kidding, of course she's alright. She wasn't on the receiving end of that blow-off; but Greg's completely torn up.

"Yeah I'm fine," she says plainly.

"So umm, what happened then?"

"As I told you, we just...We don't seem to connect," she repeats.

I'm determined to get more information out of her this time. "Greg came home just then completely crushed," I pause, expecting some response but getting nothing. "He likes you a lot Kal, maybe you could give him another chance to prove himself?"

"Half our date consisted of awkward silences," she says blatantly; leaving me staggering for words for a few seconds.

"I know Greg, and he usually babbles a heck load! I'm sure he was just nervous." I reassure her, letting out a small chuckle. "So what do you say to giving him a second shot?" I try again, praying she won't avoid the question this time.

There's a piercing silence, as I feel all my muscles tense up in anxiousness.

"What about a double date? You, Dan, Greg and me?" She suggests.

I stumble for words again, not entirely sure whether this would be a good idea.

"Umm...err..." I manage to only say.

"Cmon Mia! It'll be fun! Less awkward, and you can make sure I don't leave the date this time," she says, suddenly cheerily.

My thoughts flickers back to the thought of Greg all upset in the studio right now, and remembering I said I would do whatever I could to get him that second chance. "Yeah alright then," I finally choke up the words that agree. "We'll pick you up tomorrow then?"

"Sure!" She says full of excitement; making me question her motives.

"Okay! See you tomorrow,"

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