Chapter 44

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A/N: It's been a while. But enjoy!! :)


"Are you sure you've packed absolutely everything?" Dan asks as we drag Sky's suitcases into the living room.

"I'm sure," she replies, after a short moment thinking.

"It's okay if she hasn't. It'll just end up being mine," I laugh evilly, momentarily getting two slaps in the arm from both Dan and Sky.

"Right then, we should get going,"

Dan says, pushing one of her suitcases out the door, with Sky and I quickly doing the same.

Before we knew it, we were in the car heading to the airport where Sky would leave us forever.

So much has happened within these months it's sort of hard to keep track. We've had a fair share of both happy and sad memories; and although sharing the happy memories right now in the car would seem like a good idea, none one of us wanted to do so because we all know it would just make it so much harder to say goodbye. So our car ride just turns out to be a quiet one.

There's a constant reminder gnawing at the back of my mind about Micky. He still doesn't know about Sky leaving. We've all tried to call him, but once again, he hasn't been picking up. I can't imagine how Sky must be feeling right now, not being able to say goodbye to her boyfriend. And how terrible Micky will feel when he realises she's gone! I bite my lip, and stare out the window, trying to contain my thoughts and stay happy for the sake of Sky.

We arrive at the airport, unloading her bags onto a trolley, we head towards the check-in counter.

Dan's arms wrap tightly around my waist for comfort as we watch Sky check-in and drop off her bags.

"You okay?" He asks, resting his chin on the top if my head.

I nod slightly. There's nothing I can do to make her stay anyway.

My thoughts are interrupted as I see a figure appear beside us in the corner of my eye. Hopeful that it is Micky, I turn my head, only to see Greg.

"You made it man!" Dan exclaims, giving him a slap on the back.

"I promised I would come! Can't have Sky leaving without her Greg hug and goodbye," Greg says breezily. "Is Micky here yet?" He asks, looking around frantically.

My stomach flips at the mention of his name.

"We haven't been able to contact him," I say quietly.

"But I have, remember yesterday when he called? I made sure he knew. I filled him in on everything, and enforced that he needs to be here," Greg's words come out rapidly.

"How'd he take the news?" Dan asks.

"Not that well. He said he needed time to think and hung up."

"We can't tell her," I say, sighing.

We all agree not to dampen the mood any more.

Sky finishes checking in and starts to walk back towards us. I put on a fake smile to cover my sadness again.

I see Sky's face light up at the sight of Greg. She speeds up her pace and gives Greg a tight hug as soon as she reaches us.

"I'm gonna miss you!"

"I'll miss you too!"

Sky tells us her gate number- 33; and without another word, we start walking.

I find myself actively trying to keep my thoughts under control, resulting in me counting down the gates as we pass each one.



Gate 33.

I sigh loudly.

Who would've thought it would all come to this.

I see Dan and Greg anxiously looking around, hoping to find Micky. I take a look at the clock on the wall.

'He's not going to come,' I imply with one solemn shake of the head.

Sky's plane boards in 20 minutes...

"Dan, take good care of Mia for me okay?" Sky says, giving Dan a hug, as he smiles and nods. "Greg, you're an amazing friend. I wish you and Kalia all the best!" She goes on to give Greg a hug too.

That leaves me and my goodbye message.

"I'm sorry Mia. None of us knew my stay here would be so short. But we'll keep in touch, just like old times yeah?" Sky says to me, almost sounding like it was recited.

I nod and try not to tear up.

"Thanks for everything," I say, keeping it simple to prevent us getting too emotional. We embrace in a long, tight hug.

"I'll miss you a lot," we say simultaneously, as we separate from the hug, making us laugh.

We all exchange one last goodbye and Greg, Dan and I walk off, not bearing to turn back.


A/N: I felt terrible for not posting in so long, so I decided to write a chapter within my hardcore studying for mock exams! This is how much you readers mean to us :) <3

As always,

Please Vote, Comment- on plot predictions, Fan, and share <3

I wonder whether we can get the reads to 100k? That would be crazy! I'll update if we reach it? x

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