Chapter 33

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A/N: Hey guys! Back from my trip so I can upload this chapter for you all(: Emily and I wish you a great start to the New Years! Enjoy the chapter! x


"Mia, we need to talk," I hear Dan say carefully. My heart flutters and starts to beat faster hearing his voice again. I feel his weight on the edge of my bed, but I can't make myself turn around to face him.

I let out a quiet sob, and I feel his hand on my shoulder making a spark shoot through my entire body. I've really missed the feeling of having him close to me.

"Mia, please," his voice comes out shaky this time, and I hear him trying contain his sobs too.

I slowly roll over and peek above the covers. I see him smiling at the sight of me and it makes me feel warm inside. I can tell he's had a lack of sleep, and his eyes are still red and puffy, like mine.

"Heya, how are you?" I ask croakily, trying to avoid any serious conversation.

"Alright, you?" he tries to smile to prove it, but I can see the uncertainty in his eyes. I shrug, not able to think of a good enough reply. 

"I've missed you, a lot." The words cling onto me and I can't help but show a slight smile.

"I've missed you so much too," I say, biting my bottom lip. I make an effort to sit up straight on my bed, next to him.

"Please Mia, I need you and I want you back. My heart ached when I saw you with that guy this morning and it made me realise how much I really missed you.  What happened last week with Kalia, I still don't know what the real deal is with that, but I'm sorry. I overreacted. I've regretted it ever since I stormed out of your room that day, and I've been a complete wreck this whole week. Mia, I don't know what I'd do without you,"

We fall silent and I try to digest his long speech. So after all this time he still doesn't believe me about what happened with Kalia.

I look into Dan's familiar eyes, and it suddenly hits me that after a whole week of sadness, he's finally here beside me again. The thought triggers happy tears to well up in my eyes.

"Please forgive me Mia," he says again. He reaches his hand up to my tear stained cheek, and strokes it softly. His touch sends a warm shiver through me, making me smile. 

A smile also lights up on his face and he starts to lean towards me. I gasp quietly at his sudden gesture, and my breathing soon becomes shallow.

He pauses before his lips touch mine, and his eyes search deep into mine- wanting, needing, and asking permission. I raise my lips slightly to meet his and he kisses me; and because I've missed the taste of his lips so much, I loosen up and let go. His hand grasps the nape of my neck as he deepens the kiss, responding to my enthusiam. His other hand slides down my back and flattens at the base of my spine as he pushes me against his body.

We pull out, both breathless from a kiss full of passion and possession; a kiss so different from all the others.

I see Dan loosen up and a smile spreads across his face. "So is that a yes? Do you forgive me?" He says, fidgeting excitedly on the spot like a little kid.

With a cheeky grin on my face, I decide to mimic his childish behaviour. I cross my arms and turn my head away from him, pretending to be angry at him.

He catches on with the playful banter fast. "Awh cmon!" Dan whines, before placing a kiss down my neck.

An electric spark runs through me again but I pretend to not be phased by it.

He does it again and the smile on my face grows wider, but I still don't give in.

Suddenly he shifts and soon enough he's pinning me down. I try to wriggle myself out of his hold but I don't succeed. He smirks and continues trailing kisses up my neck. 

"Dan!" I cry out through giggles as I try to swat him away.

"Not until I hear what I want to hear from you," he sniggers.

"Oh okay, umm, you're a retard that can do anything except for making popcorn. I don't like you very much because you're really mean and you're always teasing me-" I pause, and I see him frowning at me playfully unamused. "It's all your fault that I met you again that day at the airport; you should really learn to throw better. I also don't like the fact that I'm forced to forgive you because you're so unbelivably perfect and I don't want to lose you," I finish off, grinning at him.

He starts to laugh. "You sneaky little thing!"

I shrug my shoulders innocently and he leans down to place a short kiss on my lips.  "I love you," he whispers against my lips as we pull away.

"I love you too." I smile widely, happy that I'm finally back in Dan's arms.  


A/N: So I hope this chapter was worth the wait(; So update on the oneshots, half of them are done but when we will only upload them when we have them all together and we'll post them all at once as soon as we finish editing them! We will let you know before we upload them(: Have a great New Years! x  

Say That You'll Stay (GMD3/District3 Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang