Chapter 41

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A/N: Hi. It's been a while hasn't it? Please forgive me, I've been very very busy and this chapter was really hard to get right. Hopefully it's still readable, enjoy :)

Is there a way I can make it up to you since you guys had to wait forever for this chapt?


The morning sunlight shines through into the room, waking me up. I inhale and exhale deeply, feeling surprisingly relaxed after the eventful day yesterday.

I look towards the opposite side of the room- where Sky is- to find that she's still fast asleep. Her breakdown must've gotten the most of her.

Sitting up in bed with my duvet wrapped tightly around me for warmth and comfort, I start to think through everything. So much has happened and changed in the past month with Sky here; what will happen once she's gone? I mean, will everything go back to the way it was before she moved here? But I don't want that! I've grown so used to having her here to confide to, I KNOW I can't cope without her.

I shake my head, trying to contain my tears and thoughts.

Suddenly, my phone buzzes loudly beside me, startling me. I take another deep sigh before reaching for it and pressing 'answer'.

"Mia," I hear the familiar voice of Micky on the other end.

"Hey Micky," I reply cautiously. Concerned at where he might be or what he might have done after storming out the other day.

"I'm sorry for overreacting yesterday. I shouldn't have yelled at you or Dan; I mean, if there was something really important, Sky would tell me straightaway right? I guess I just over- thought the whole thing at the time. I'm sorry Mia,"

There's a short silence as I fumble for the right words; but it's a whole lot harder as guilt gnaws ferociously at my conscience. I have been lying to him for almost a week now, but I have to keep it up until Sky decides to confront him and the thought makes my heart sink.

"I- It's okay, I understand,"

"So we're all good?"

"Yep," I say, hiding any signs of insecurity, "You're back at the apartment now, aren't you?"

He replies with a simple "yes."

"Please never just run off like that again, you got us all so worried Mick!"

Micky laughs awkwardly, but doesn't give a worded response. I hope that it means that he got the message.

There's sudden movement from Sky's bed, and in a blink of an eye, she turns around to face me, her eyes wide in shock. "Micky?!" She questions, looking at me intensely.

I immediately hear a gasp on the other end of the line.

"Mia, was that Sky? Is she back?" Micky shrieks desperately.

I feel my heart sink, and a lump forms in my throat at what I had to do next.

"Sorry Mick, I um...have to go. I'll talk to you soon," I say quickly, hanging up on him before he could even respond.

After the line goes dead, I turn around to meet Sky's confused expression.

"Mia, what happened while I was away?" Sky asks interrogatively.

I start to tell her everything that's happened since the day she left, to when Micky stormed out of their apartment during the band meeting.

"He's mad at me..." She says solemnly as soon as I finish my story.

"He won't be. You're back and that should be all that matters,"

"But I'm going to have to tell him about moving back to Australia, and I don't want to do that Mia! I don't want to leave him!"

"You have to tell him Sky. I'm sure he'll understand,"

She starts to speak again but the sound of sharp knocks on the door cuts her off.

"I'll get it," Sky sighs before getting out o bed and heading for the door.

I sit in silence, my ears tuned finely to everything happening downstairs.

There's a click when the front door swings open followed by a brief silence. And then, Sky's shocked and scared voice rings through the house,



A/N: It's mid year exam time for us, so I'm gonna be busy 'studying'.

I'm not gonna set a target, but still, I love reading comments from you guys and seeing you guys voting, so please keep doing it, as then I know you guys are still into it or not.

I will try write the next chapter asap after exams :)

Btw! Who's seeing the boys live? I'm so jealous!! Someone should get us a video message from the boys ;) wink wink nudge nudge



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