Chapter 42

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A/N: Haven't been active for a while now :( Sorry! We do however still read all your comments and appreciate every single one of them! So all you who have stuck by us- Thank you.


I sit on my bed, completely frozen with fear.

Should I go down and help Sky out? Or does she need to break this information to Micky alone?

I listen as Micky expresses his relief and excitement as he screams "Sky!", presumably engulfing her in a giant hug as if everything that had happened during the last few days hadn't taken place.

I squeeze my eyes shut, as I wait for the painful realization to hit him.

As if on cue, I hear Micky ask: "Where have you been Sky?"

This is going to be cruel.

I climb off my bed and quietly make my way into the living room, where they can't see me, but I'm able to hear them perfectly fine.

As I settle myself onto the couch, I hear the soft muffled sobs of Sky, who I imagine is sobbing into Micky's shoulder.

"Shit! What's wrong Sky?"

Sky takes a shaky breath, as if she is trying to keep herself calm.

"My grandma passed away," She says through tears.

"Ohh, I'm so sorry Sky," Micky whispers.

There's no reply, only sobs.

An agonizing minute passes, and I find myself stupidly trying to communicate to Sky telepathically, reminding her she has to tell Micky about leaving the country.

I hear a loud sigh from Sky, and I smirk to myself, believing that it was because she got my telepathic message...

"It's okay, I think we were all expecting it. That's why we had to move here in the first place,"

I hold my breath, silently cheering her on, anticipating her next dreaded sentence.

"You should've told me where you were going. I was worried sick about you!"

"I'm sorry I didn't. But it was all so sudden, one phone call from Mum and the next thing I knew I was on the next train to see them," Sky replies, relatively calmly.

There's a sudden change in tone in Micky's voice: "You were gone for days, and didn't tell me."

"I was stressed out, confused and devastated. I couldn't think straight and was crying half the time I was awake. I didn't get the chance to calm down and tell you Micky!"

Micky's blunt and bitter tone deepened, "But you obviously had the chance to keep Mia and Dan updated, and you even told them to keep the information from me,"

My stomach catches in my throat as I hear my name being dragged into the conversation, and it takes almost everything I have in me to not to dash through the door to sort everything out.

For years, Sky had been known for trying to control herself in situations and to not show signs of weakness. But now, she pours everything into her words -her desperation, anger, disbelief.

"I didn't want you worrying! Calm down Micky, two days isn't a big deal!" She was now screaming, her words incorporated with the choking back of tears.

"God dammit Sky! I'm sick of hearing these excuses! You made my two friends lie straight to my face for two days! How did you think that was alright?!" Micky yells.

"Micky..." I hear Sky's crying become louder and my heart sinks as tears form in my own eyes knowing I can't help. How can Micky not believe Sky for goodness sake, she's telling him nothing but the genuine truth!

"Micky..." She tries again, her voice slightly louder.

"What?!" He replies, his voice rash.

"I have something to tell you,"

"What Sky? Another stupid excuse? I'm sick of them! Are you going to tell me you're leaving again? Oh wait, no. You'd tell everyone but me. When you decide to give me the truth, come find me,"

"No! Micky! Listen to me! Please!"

At this point, my subconscious takes a hold of me and I push back the door, seeing the scene with my own eyes, only to find that Micky has left, leaving a broken and shaken Sky, crying into her own hands, standing in front of an open door.

I go up to her cautiously, bringing her hands away from her face slowly. Closing the door, I lead her back to the living room couch.

"Mia, what have I done wrong? Why doesn't he believe me!" She cries, her eyes full of pain.

"He's just had a tough week, full of unexpected surprises. He'll come around," I say, trying to put certainty into my own words; but my voice comes out shaky and uncertain, unconvincing even to me.

Nonetheless, Sky nods.

She pulls her knees close to her chest, and hides her face. I lean over to give her a hug and I try to calm her by patting her back. "We'll sort this out, I promise."


A/N: Oh noes! :( Predictions for future plot?

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