Chapter 26

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A/N: Helloo lovely 3eeks! Thankyou so much for getting us OVER our intended goal! Haha thanks so much! 

Here is the chapter! (Bit of a pre warning, there is quite a bit of swearing in this chapter!)

Enjoy! x


"Let's go," I tell a furious Sky. 

Her fingers clenched and if looks could kill, Kalia wouldn't be standing in front of us right this moment. 

"No!" Sky yells swatting my hand off her arm, "This bitch needs to know who she's dealing with." 

Sky takes a step toward Kalia and I feel the urge to cover my eyes. I look down at the ground wishing it would just open up and swallow me whole. 

"Oi bitch!" I hear. 

Oh shit. 

"Excuse me?" Kalia says with fake offense. 

"Okay, two things-" Sky begins before Kalia rudely cuts her off. 

"No, you listen to me. This is none of your business slut, why don't you just go back to Australia. Damn, you are so annoying!" Kalia says exasperated clearly meaning every word she says. 

But Sky never goes down without a fight. 

"I've had it with you bitch! You know what your problem is? You're a two-faced skank. People believe all that sweet fake shit but soon they will find out the whore that you really are," Sky hisses, inching her face close to Kalia's. 

Surprisingly, Kalia laughs. 

Her cocky smirk lands on me. 

"Wow Mia, you have to have Sky to defend your battles?" She laughs evily and tosses her hair to the side, "that's pretty pathetic, even for you." 

My blood starts to boil. But before I could take a dig at her, Sky starts to reach out to slap her. 

I gasp and pull Sky's arm back. 

"Don't." I whisper, "She's a bitch but if you hit her you're just as bad a her." 

Sky calms down a little bit. 

"That's right, listen to mommy" Kalia leans in batting her eyelashes. 

"Oh would you fuck off Kalia?!" I scream. 

Kalia grins triumphtly.  

"Well well, angry and bitchy Mia is back." She announces. 

"Kalia, please. Mess with me, mess with my boyfriend. Just don't fucking talk to Sky like that." I growl angrily trying to muster every ounce of self control I still had left in me. 

"I have to say Mia, I'm impressed. When I first befriended you, you seemed so... frigid, somebody who couldn't stand up for what they believe in. I dragged you around like a dead puppy and you didn't even realise it. Thank god Skylar here came back and slapped you back to life because I was getting so bored of you." She says yawning. 

"No, thank god Skylar came here so I can finally see the skank you really are" I spit back. 

"That's what I'm saying, you didn't realise I was being a bitch to you the whole time," she retorts with an eye roll. 

"Clearly you aren't any better than me because I'm sorry, who has Dan?" I say sarcastically. 

Sky barks out a laugh behind me.  

The grin wipes off Kalia's face for a second. 

"Speaking of which, you broke the girl code. I saw him first at the party," she says slowly. 

I laugh, gaining confidence. 

"Right, as if that matters. Dan. Still. Chose. Me." I brag putting my face as close to hers as I dared. 

"Which won't matter. Soon he'll be mine," she says tossing her hair again over her shoulder. 

"What makes you so sure?" I scoff, but secretly curious. 

"I don't know how I will handle myself around him," she smirks, "those luscious lips..." 

The thought of Kalia and Dan locking lips pops into my head and the image punches me in the stomach. 

I stop breathing for a second unable to digest the horror of the thought of my boyfriend and the witch together. 

I must've taken a few steps back in shock or something because I feel Sky immediately behind me giving me support. 

"Dan's not stupid enough to kiss a skank like you!" Sky yells. 

"I don't know, I can be very convincing," she boasts tapping her Angelina Jolie like lips. 

I wince because I know it's true. 

"Hell, maybe I'll go for all three. Greg, Dan..." She shoots Sky a menacing glare, "Micky." 

I feel Sky's grip tighten drastically on my arm.  

I hold my tongue back in pain. 

"Leave my boyfriend out of this," Sky warns. 

"Just kidding, I'm only planning to take Dan anyway," Kalia responds breezily, "speaking of which, I have to go, I invited him out. Can't leave him hanging," 

Sky laughs "As if," 

"Oh no, I'm serious." Kalia says digging out her cellphone. 

As clear as crystal, the message reads "see you soon x -Dan" 

I rip out of Sky's grip and slap the bitch across the face as hard as I could. 

Kalia backs up 2 steps pressing one hand to her cheek. 

"Leave him alone Kalia!!" I scream, tears were threatening to spill out of my eyes. 

But before Kalia could respond a voice behind me yells. 

"Mia! What the hell?!" 

The voice belonging to Greg.


A/N: Ohh snap! Haha! I will be updating at the end of this week! Hang in there! If you guys could get us a few more reads that would be great! Thanks so much again! Comment/Vote/Do what you lovely people already do <3

Get us to 23k reads or 409 votes if you want the new chapter fast ;)

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