Pikachu disaster part 2

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Jiro POV

I squeaked out a yelp of embarrassment and quickly grabbed my oversized white t-shirt and hid my upper body with it. I wasn't completely naked or anything, I just had a pair of shorts and a bra on with no shirt so thank goodness he didn't see more than that. I think that would be my last seconds alive.

"h-how long have you been awake for?" I asked nervously as I threateningly held my earphone jacks in front of me, "What else did you see and what the hell happened to you?!"

"Pika pi Pikachu!" he looked as if he was defending himself since he couldn't talk to me properly. whatever he saw, hes gonna pay for it later when this is over.

"If you tell a soul about this, I will literally murder you! got it?" the violent nods of his head confirmed the answer I was looking for. in fact his head was shaking so much he got dizzy and flopped over. I tried to keep it in but I just couldn't, nothing can hold back my giggles. "Silly thing, pfftt." I laughed as I scooped him back up on his feet again, swivelled him round and slipped my shirt on as quick as I could. I grabbed my stuff, picked him back up again and ran straight to my dorm room. I burst through my door and locked it as quick as possible. if anyone sees him like this, hell never hear the end of it. and as much as I would love the teasing aspect of it, I wouldn't humiliate him like that. I placed him on my bed and proceeded to make a couple of warm drinks. I usually have hot chocolate before bed so I made us both some. "So, do you like marshmallows Pikaminari thing?" I looked over my shoulder and asked. I saw the nod of his head as he made his way towards my desk where he climbed up and observed my hot chocolate making. I ended up using the last of the marshmallows and gave him the bag to put in my little bin. Silly thing thought there were some in there and got his head stuck in the bag. It was like those videos on youtube where cats get their heads stuck in various bags and tubes. He started backing up and flopping about and I just couldn't hold it together. The giggles were just too powerful and I pretty much lost it for about five minutes before taking the bag off his head. He looked up with a defeated "Pika-pi" as I set his hot chocolate in front of him. I sat on my desk chaoir and drank my own, watching as his little tongue lapped up the warm beverage. peacefully. Towards the end, he began to get sleepy so I took his empty mug and picked him up holding him close to my shoulder and chest. He snuggled up and played with my earphone jacks. after turning out the lights and switching my lamp on instead, we flopped on to my bed. I lay on my back and held Pikaminari up above me and examined him for a bit. he looked exhausted to be honest. he started to wriggle out of discomfort, I guess his weight against my hands was hurting him so I lowered him down onto my stomach where I fiddled about with his ears and cheeks,

"PIka piiii *yawn* pika-shuuuuh" he sighed. I turned my lamp off and laid him down on my pillow with the warm hoodie from my radiator to wrap around him. he looked so cute all wrapped up all cosy and warm and snuggly. Finally I found myself drifting off to sleep with him. we would worry about the situation tomorrow. I had already texted Aizawa about the problem and I offered to take care of Kaminari for the night. the whole reason we all have our teachers number is so we can call about problems like this. and he also told all the girls to have him on speed dial in case of a "Mineta problem".

I woke up to something weird on my nose. I didn't know what it was but it felt weird and rough and wet. followed by soft "Nom nom" noises of a high pitched voice you could never not recognise. my eyes fluttered open to find that "Pikaminari" was licking my nose in his sleep. I bet you anything he thought he was eating something. every time he let out a soft "nom" noise. Even though he was literally licking my face, for some reason I didn't mind. Was it just because he was a cute lil bunny looking thing being all adorable? Or did I genuinely not care? I didn't know but I just found it way too funny. I had to let out a small giggle before gently pushing his face away from mine putting my hand in front of his mouth instead. I mean, it was better than having him lick my face, when you think about it, it gets pretty weird. Looking across from my bed, I could see the clock on my desk, it read 8:59. So basically 9 o clock in the morning. It was Saturday after all so my alarm didn't go off as usual. But still, I couldn't help but feel a little lazy even though most of my classmates didn't get up for another half hour or so. Apart from Iida of course. Hes like a lil grandpa, gets up at 7am, gets dressed, eats his cheerios and brushes his teeth all in one strict schedule before it hits 8am. Now that I thought about it, he was probably still on his usual Saturday run with Midoriya right now. Sighing to myself, I decided to leave the warmth of my bed and make my way to my drawers to find some new clothes. and make sure he wasn't watching me this time. which meant I would probably have to change with him either facing the other way or shut inside my closet. I picked out my clothes just as Pikachu was stirring awake.

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