Tsu x Tokoyami- Natural instincts-part 1

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AN: Yes! Finally, my creativity has been restored! thank sweet all mighty Jehovah! just a quick explanation, Tsuyu and Tokoyami don't go to UA but i implied that the others still do. (just to be clear, this is a villain story) its probably not that good but this is what my brain spat out and I kinda like it. (its a multi part btw)

Tokoyami POV

birds eat frogs. its an obvious fact of life that I never realised was true, until I met her. I always wanted to be a hero since I was a little kid. but as I got older and Dark Shadow became wilder, I said goodbye to my dreams over time. I could never be a functional hero with this quirk. my home life wasn't the best either, i ,live with my older brother and my parents are never around. anger, envy, sadness and shame bottled up in Dark Shadow for years could be the end of me. I have begun to rebel, it started with shoplifting, then to pick pocketing, thievery, vandalism, anything to keep myself from a dream that wont ever come true. not even Allmight, would be able to tame Dark Shadow. I have become a villain of darkness(or that's what I called myself). I heard of the so called League of villains on the news all the time, but I don't think I would ever join them. seriously, they attack a class of the smallest and least experienced kids in UA once and put in half effort when they realise their target isn't there, even lowering the budget to the point they just hired random thugs from the street and called it an army. random thugs like me have better shit to do than take part in a done, cheap, cliché hostage plan with kids.

like most people with animal based quirks, I tend to lean towards natural instincts birds have. specifically, hunting food. before, Dark Shadow had only killed small creatures like rabbits and bugs, yesterday he nearly killed a person. a girl with green hair who just so happened to have an animal based quirk like me. unfortunately, its an animal i eat. a frog. a frog girl. it was snowing on a cold December evening. it was dark and i was wandering about as i normally do when i spotted her. from a distance, she looked like just a normal girl. but both me and Dark Shadow could sense something, a sense we know all too well. what we felt with killing the rabbits and bugs for food, was coming from her. i didn't want to attack, but the urge and emotions drove me forward no matter how much I resisted. i hid in the alley as she walked past. she didn't see me but as soon as i could see the back of her head, i started running. with no control, i ran and ran, Dark Shadow drilling deep into my mind. she was hopping and jumping away as fast as she could. i could hear her sharp breaths. i could feel her fear. her tears froze in the snow after dripping off her porcelain face. she began to slow and stiffen after a while, but still, i ran and ran until i snatched her, tumbling over and over again until i had her wrapped in my arms. she was shaking and sniffling. the helpless ribbit escaped her lips. Dark Shadow encased us both in a void of darkness, silencing her ability to scream. her thick coat and scarf had been cut to shreds allowing his monster claws to dig into her arms through her shirt. she squirmed and cried at the pain. she had gotten weaker and weaker. i thought i had killed her, her eyes closed and her body collapsed against me. her head fell on my chest. my senses came back. i realised what i had just done to this girl. the shadows that had caked my arms faded away. my eyes rested on her arms, my hands were covered in blood, it was like her body gave up hope and shut down. I always thought myself to be a villain, but I never thought I would actually become a murderer. in a panic, i scooped her up off the ground and ran away with her.

i took her back to my apartment, my brother was out with his mates so he never knew she was there. it was only when i got inside the apartment that i realised how cold it had actually been, im sure l learned something in biology class one time about how frogs hibernate when it gets cold. but still, i was sure that i had just killed someone. one of the many people i had hoped to save and protect since i was little. i took her to the ensuite bathroom in my room. despite me and my brother being quite poor, my parents still pay the bills for us and our apartment. the only bedroom with an ensuite is mine. i laid her down in the bathtub so i wouldn't get blood everywhere and sat on the toilet seat re-thinking and re-living what just happened to me. Dark Shadow had completely taken my control and a girl could have potentially died because of it. i found some bandages in the cupboard and started to fix her wounds. I don't know why, but I thought I could revive her. as i was, i heard a voice. "you know, Fumikage you can do anything you want if she makes it out alive, you could keep her here, control her and make her your partner in crime and get back at those heroes for not being open to conflicting powers and quirks like me," he spoke sadistically. but then i began to think. and imagine and fantasise, what if she did join me? would my life become less lonely or cluttered? would i have to keep her here or let her go home to her family? in that case, i risk being caught and arrested. do i lie to her? make up some fake story of how we know each other and whatever she saw was just a nightmare? but then how would that explain the bandages? its all getting too much. would she ever trust me enough to join me? my head was going to explode with chaos when i heard a whimper coming from the bathtub. i flinched quickly locking the bathroom door in a panic. i saw her eyes widen as she saw me. the bird headed freak that had nearly killed her.

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